I don't think it's an issue with your terrain either just as I hope it isn't an issue with mine. As far as I know, there are only three people that have much experience running setups and modifying setting in our AH3 arena, Jaeger1, me and Nef. As I told Nef when I reached out, we've had game lockups, CDTs and settings that appear to get unstuck.
We've had buildings with modified hardness refuse to go down. I'm not ready to call that a bug as we've been modifying too many untried things opening ourselves up for errors.
Once something starts to go wrong, the tendency is to start grabbing for the arena handles. That's a very bad idea in the middle of a frame. I hope you find out what's happening with your ships.
Yes Nef, NOW I have an attitude. I've assumed you'll be the next CM lead and I reached out to you with offers to help your team with terrains when it was suggested AH3 might suddenly go live. No one I know with an attitude toward someone else sends that person their telephone number.