Very nice job!!!
Realize I never flew AH II so I don't know what the changes are....I only know what AH III is. Previous online flight sim experience though..
Nice! No issues with FPS to date.
Things I've noticed graphically:
-Long distance dots you can see. When they render from large dot to "plane dot" (pre icon)....they disappear. 1080p res. At 4k res, no long range dots at all....I'm thinking they get anti-aliased out, but I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn last night so I can't be sure. I don't fly at 4k for this reason.
-Shadows from clouds--cause a flicker at times that makes it seems like you have a graphic anomaly.
-Low angle sun has some issues with "lighting" objects in front of you (written up in diff post).
Tracers--hard to see. But I'm old:)
Compass faces (38 for example) need some more "light"...hard to read.
--haze layer plays hell with the icon vis. Makes them look anemic and "wafer thin"...especially green, but to some extent red as well.
--Icons obscure the plane at times...makes it very hard to judge Aspect as a result. Maybe its because I'm a noob:)
--Icons get clipped below ground/trees at see the top of the letters and that is it.
The change in views and change in sounds can be a bit "annoying" at times. Maybe an option to keep sound constant regardless of head view? This is with snap views...
Looking straight up in some planes get a stutter in engine sound.
Engine sound...if I turn down engine volume, I lose engine sound at low boost settings. I have to manipulate master volume as a result.
Flight Models
Hard to slow down...flaps don't appear to have drag, neither does gear. Prop drag appears to be negligible.
Appears the game favors idle break turns vs power on break turns? Still looking at this...
(this all maybe the same as AHII ....again I didn't fly AHII).
Will leave it at this until I get more stick time in game:)
Once you find you way around--pretty easy to use.
Maybe a few more options to customize things--but those are "nice to haves" not "need to haves".
Pretty good interaction for all aspects. Have not been in a GV, but find that GV spawns are really close and can be like annoying biting flies. You swat one, and he is back before you know it. Getting a spawn camper at the field is way annoying... Do fields have anti-tank guns? If not...have to recommend they get incorporated. Right now it seems the tanks just roll towns, airfields with impunity. Like the icons on GVs...even at reduced range. Hard to see, but icons help.
Resupply, capture, etc... all add dimensions to the game. Still need to play more to see what I'm missing on the strategic level as I've just been tactically oriented (i.e. learning how to stay alive while flying)...but it appears game play has been given a large amount of thought.
Over all, as a BRAND NEW PLAYER TO THE GAME, I think it is one in which I'll stick around to learn and play and my first impression is a very positive one.
Almost missed the most important part--Players-- so far polite and helpful. You don't realize how important that is to a new guy. Makes a great impression.