It's not about stopping to wait for the couple of stragglers, it's about the stragglers having the info to know where to go and get there as best they can.1 If too much of the squad is broken up, then a rally is generally a good idea.
Communication is key, 2 the main thing is to keep nonessential stuff like position requests over text rather than vox. {snip}

This IS exactly what I mean.
1 No plan to rally, only to proceed to target. Not to give away any trade secrets, but I sure am glad that I have been fortunate with commanders that did not agree with that logic.
2 Communication should help keep the force focused. Leaving any of a squad's members to their own devices

only weakens the remaining force. Unlike the Main Arena, combat is scripted (or should be) to put forth the best plan.
Real talk.... If you are not within visual range of friendlies, there is no amount of communication on vox or text that will "WARP" your aircraft to their position. Lose altitude, or simply just have enough separation, you will not catch up to them
unless they make some sort of maneuver to rally and recover you.
I think radar is important to relay ACCURATE information, it would be helpful if squads had a
heightened capability, independent of country dar. That would mimic squad interaction that would not clog text buffer or vox.
However, to answer the OP, radar information was a success and added to the overall enjoyment of the scenario. You fellas do an amazing job of herding cats. 

I like it. Talk about immersion?
Pilot "Where are they?"
Ground "Head to 11, 12, 2"
Pilot "I am in 11, 12 ,2"
Ground "Oh, my bad, I meant 12, 11 ,8"

I love Ditto's comment.... as it is a humorous yet perfectly accurate portrayal of events as they occur in the heat of battle.