Sorry to see you taking a break Hajo, but what some see as bickering, others see as important. There were issues in advance that were brought up in a healthy discussion, no bickering. There were some absolutes that were brought up and I was told flat out the objects were not counted with as much detail as I do but he felt it was close enough and ok. I told him outright he needed to count again, as I had already counted them. Dismissed. Well, there you go. If you see this as whining, that's not something I can fix. There were some who worked just as tirelessly as Brooke to promote and encourage participation as well as improve the design. Much of which would have been even good for your side. Now, yes the Axis won, that is irrelevant, there were some serious breaches in that event that cannot occur if people are going to trust that their month of training, mission prep and immersion in the event won't simply be upended at the last minute. You want less instant gratification but you are bemoaning our efforts to make sure that the detail is something we can TRUST to the point that we are willing to invest a great deal of time and energy, like it was in the past.
You can't have both. You can't simply shrug off lack of detail and balance then expect people to invest time in preparation if the CM on duty is just going to toss it in the air. Not when these issues were discussed in advance, not when the problems were shown, not when we knew how badly it could go and try to prevent it. You were not part of the discussion on our side with Brooke, for you to now relegate this to whining is a bit of a shame.
Did you not realize we had a nuclear option that was built into the design that we chose not to use? You think you guys got beat, but we didn't do what we could have done, and planned for as a possibility. This event was designed so that we could have easily, yes easily, ignored the Allied first attack completely, and hovered off your fields while you returned from your triumphant assault. Then immediately set a cap over your fields and you wouldn't have gotten in the air for the next 11 hours. Our targets were your launch fields. Half our fighters and a few attack planes just sitting over you, popping you as you take off and blow your launch window, we get free reign over the targets, what a lovely day that would have been for you

We thought about it, there is no way you could have stopped it. There was the absolute potential for you guys to do the same. Now, you could have gotten into the ground guns and shot us, but wait...flight was disabled. There was no ground defense available at all during that event. None. Although the comments from Brooke when we discussed the capping fields was that ground guns would prevent that. But wait..he disabled flight, didn't disable planes so no ground guns were available. These things matter.
If I spend a month planning for something and then changes are made that are uncovered during the event, it makes me just want to not bother planning for a damned thing and showing up on game day to figure out what to do. Kinda throws out the whole reason for immersion and mission planning, doesn't it? We plan a mission for a certain result and the result is not there. Why plan?
Could have just as easily won and walked away trying to fix nothing. I do wonder, if we had capped your fields and blocked you as the event design allowed, would you be whining right about now about it? Or perhaps you would not think it whining but a serious concern that needed to be addressed?