If you take a look at the current maps with the Fbase on them, someone has disabled all rides and manned guns at the ones near the HQ and other strategic places while at a few allowing the storch, vehicles, and manned guns. CraterMA has the guns and GV base normal enabled at tank town. Buzzsaw has it in the center.
So if you disable all rides for the flak base next to say the HQ, even if the Fbase gets captured, yes it's valuable to the enemy for 163 suppression. As a designer of the terrain, just run a spawn from the uncapturable airfields near the HQ so the place can be deacked and taken back quickly. If anything, it will create a confusing Ft. Apache fight against AI only guns until someone figures out you can deack with planes flying over on the deck also. Unless there was an NOE fighter sweep loitering outside dar waiting for the assault on the Fbase to take advantage of owning the Fbase's auto puffy ack and all the dar flashing confusion from the first raid. Maybe I should stop thinking like a 49er.
After all, isn't the idea of this game to create our own combat and fun?