Since most of those complaining today were not there for the organized squad effort that ended up forcing Hitech to create ENY in the first place. They have no context nor any inclination to see a bigger picture. They also have no experience with events that massive in the MA which would cause them to call up Hitech and cancel their subscription if he didn't take instant draconian measures. ENY today as it impacts players is a minor irritation compared to suddenly being swamped with uber rides
at any field you tried to up from as you watched your feilds quickly being shut down then captured all across the terrain. And this went on every sunday like clock work with more players from knights and bish every sunday logging in as rook to be on the side handing out the whippings. Skyyr would have loved being part of that mass whipping event with a double extra wide razer strap with it's own Revi16 HOing guide.
The only thing anyone cares about 14 years later is the "now". They pay their subscription so they want their ride any time they want their ride. It's Hitech's problem to control bad actors and not theirs to suffer today because of some bullcrap from 14 years ago. 14 years ago that attitude is exactly how we got this bullcrap ENY.
Today it would be fun as heck for the younger players to swamp the nits and rooks in uber rides for a weekend making the old farts whine on 200 and rage quit. And finding out they canceled their subscriptions with long nasty forum rants as their farewell would be the high point in those bish AH playing career. And once again it would be waaa Hitech didn't do something, Hitech is a stoopid head. ENY is precisely why it has never happened. Think about skyyr and the following of younger players on the bish who still to this day hoard and HO after following him around and enjoying all the rage antics on 200 about him. Then think about skyyr and them with no ENY. Once the beatings started 14 years ago, it was amazing how many
country loyal players jumped ship to the rooks to help hand out beatings.
The only other answer to policing that kind of bad actor and groups of actors is to replace ENY with MODS and eject power with an attitude and no compassion for any infringement of the rules. Hitech would have to finally lay down rules on us after all these years of no rules.
Many of the players complaining in nit land, and from Rapier's list of their utterances. I have an idea who they are, and have been around them for 14 years now. They just don't like change anymore. All they want is to login, BS with the same 12 or so guys they have BS'd with for the last 10 years and vulch people for the evening. ENY makes playing the game too much like work for them to achieve the same safe results in lesser ability rides. They can fly the garbage rides, it's just too much effort if it's not FSO or a special event once in awhile.
As far as they are concerned, it's Hitech's job to deal with the reasons that created ENY and keep that bullcrap from bothering them without impacting their fun for their $14.95.
Hey Hitech I hate everybody, can I be one of the new MODs?