IIRC the statements some have made here about HTs comments regarding the lacking response to advertising was about the most recent HTC adds. Again, IIRC, the add was placed in a Canadian history channel special about WW2 air combat aces. It was a decent program, but I'm not sure if it aired in Canada only - the wiki for it says it did air in the UK and the US, but I have no idea the metrics of the add campaign. There aren't that many people, much less gamers up here. So, before throwing advertising success under the bus, it'd be best to be sure specifically what HT was talking about. I'm pretty sure the recent add campaign that HT spoke about not long ago, and how they didn't get many, if any customers from it, was from an add placed in a mostly Canadian market in terms of how the program aired, and the adds along with it.
I believe it was this program that HTC last ran an add on -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_AcesHT posted specifically in 2014 that they had ran an add on this program, and that it had little success. IMO that's not due to the add, or HTC's product, but just the market, I wouldn't believe for one second the CPM numbers the channel gave HTC either, having some experience with how they did business in the past. Very, very few eyes, and those eyes are NOT potential WW2 online gamer eyes.
As others have said, the former add that ran on the US military channel/etc back in the 2000s, I think every 2nd player I talked to back in those days came from that commercial. Bizman makes a good point, it isn't the 2000s anymore and regular old TV adds aren't what they used to be. There are other areas HTC could blitz, Youtube adds on gamer channels, YT gaming channel reviews, Twitch, etc. Also, getting their website back up in the search rankings. Every social media platform. Etc.
.WoT, WT, WofWarships, and so forth, there are millions of people familiar with these games, and even if HTC only captures a fraction of 1 percent of these potential customers, we'll be back to the 1st world problem of having to have an Orange/Blue type deal. Advertising anywhere these potential customers may look, anywhere, will work.
I believe HTC knows this, and has a plan for advertising, if they plan on doing so. HT has posted before many of the metric they look at to factor in where, and of course with the new version WHEN, they plan to do so.
How many new people come to our internet sight each day.
How many people visit our download page every day?
How many people downloaded the game every day?
How many people created an account but did not enter the game?
How many people created an account ?
How many days does the average person who creates an account play?
How many people created an account who subscribed before.
How many people who try our game become subscribers.
How much advertising have we done this month.
How many people deleted there accounts this month.
How many people's credit cards were declined this month?
How many people have an account but did not play this month.
How many hours did the average person play last month?
What is the average life span of a subscriber?
What % of subscribers delete in the first month?
These are some of the metrics we look at. And even the simple metric you are using shows growth right after the change.
So yes , you are really viewing things with almost zero data.