Getting on in years, I spend my time mostly on CV's gunning, if no CV's are present, I go on field gun or do supply !
Being on CV in a 5" gun, spending some time waiting for little action !....Wow here it comes....!!!! and all of a sudden
CV changes course. ... What the hell is going on?.. oh yea some guy, lower in rank, but 3 or maybe 5 sectors away
changes the way points !......Damn !........Most of the time, if not always, he puts the CV way points in more dangerous
position.......and there goes my time, little action, because lower rank guy is saving the CV.
I would suggest, to get rid of lower rank, for changing CV's way points, and only the pilot or the gunner, being on the CV
be allowed to change the way points !......
...but still want some FUN !....
Just a thought !!