Is there a maximum number of clouds I can exceed?
Below is the could editor with fronts 2\3 finished and two screen shots of what I'm using most of the fronts for.
1. - 2000ft AGL over water ways with the default cloud setting to give the task groups help in breaking out and sneaking around. Won't hurt cross water NOE's.
2. - Higher over land with cumulus #8 to cover strategic targets like strat and ports so pinpoint bombing is not always guaranteed.
The rational for the fronts is this is a bowl 18 sectors across 26,000ft deep with water in it and the sun heating it up. The timing on the fronts has clear gaps of a few miles between fronts with randomization and the random openings all the time between clouds.
Cloud editor fronts during animation run.

You cannot see the task group easily at an angle from it, auto ack will let you know it's near. But casually fly by outside of auto ack range there is a good chance of not noticing the task group sneaking out of the slot. I'm thinking of leaving the slots between countries free of the 200ft AGL cover for task groups.

Solid cloud layer with 5500 base over the AA strat, when you are in the scope there is no way to know if an opening to bomb through will randomly be there. There will be a few miles gap on the trailing end of this front before the new one starts up at 1\2 the total life time for the front being followed in this screen capture.