Howdy, Oboe.
A-8's weren't around until well after Big Week.
I'm not sure about 410's, if they were much in Big Week or not, but as a guy who has occasionally flown 410's in the MA and has flown 110's in a scenario, I would not fly a 410 in a scenario because it is such a horrible dog. But I would fly a 110. They can at least dogfight if they have to.
I would also not fly anything with the air-to-air rockets for three reasons. First is that not many aircraft attacked with rockets compared to the usual way with cannon. Say a few percent of fighters historically attacked with rockets (probably a vast over-representation compared to history) -- that would be one fighter when we have 40 fighters. Second is that anything loading those rockets will fly like a complete dog and end up being cannon fodder. Third is that folks wouldn't practice the rockets enough to hit well with them. Folks often don't even practice stuff that is vastly easier to practice than that. So, if we did it, what we'd get is some folks being ordered to fly with rockets, would tend to get annihilated (because the aircraft are such dogs) and not kill much of anything because they aren't well practiced with rockets -- and we'd have a bunch of people complaining and unhappy and arguing that the axis needs 50 more fighters.
B-24's were in Big Week at about 1/3 proportion of bombers.
The big problem with putting in all plane types, though, is that we have only 40-ish people per side. If we have B-24's, you have a group of B-24's with 4 planes in it. That isn't very workable, because a lot of the defense of bombers is that there are a bunch of them together. If we have only a few together, they will be sitting ducks. Also, it isn't really workable to fly B-17's and B-24's together in a mixed group, as we have to take into account not all pilots are equally expert. For folks who haven't flown as B-17 or B-24 GL's in DGS, DGSII, or BOG, this probably wouldn't come immediately to mind, but that's a thing that has to be considered when we think about how to structure groups.
When we have 100 pilots per side, we can start putting in everything. When we have 40 per side, we have to start leaving out low-proportion aspects and going for the stuff that was typically there so that we don't get a group that is too tiny, or blow out our proportions such that the fight is no longer representative of what was going on in the historical battle, or have folks doing things as a major part of the scenario that were minor parts at most of the real battle.