Seeing as I can't post any kind of analysis of the map.
I will just have to explain:
"Tank/Fighter-town" is a detrimental design for the game and maps in general. Instead of secluding the bread and butter of the action to overly repetitive landscapes, the whole map should be made to the same/most intensity to counteract the lower player count compared to earlier years, which inspired many modern maps, as well as the hopes of instantly finding a fight upon logging in.
I would draw a design to demonstrate a better approach, but I can't even use the mapping tools (it is too unintuitive), which is a shame.
If only the map making were easier, we would be drowning in different experiences!
FIRST: Chris Way To Go!!
This frist screen shot below was drawn in Paint.Net as a 10 layered blueprint 4096x4096 file so I can overlay bases, base numbers, spawn lines, sector grids, even 25mile wide rings to help in base object layout. The work space in the terrain editor is 4096x4096 and imports heightmap files in RAW format to produce land and ocean in about 5 seconds. I took the base land 2D layer, exported it to a PNG 16bit grayscale and converted that to a RAW file which created this blueprint in the terrain editor.
The current terrain editor is as simple to use as MS Paint in Win7.
You need to lighten up and stop trying to punk people when you think you can get away with it. Skuzzy seems to be on to you based on the rule# you've been getting. If you have a superior design, open the terrain editor like Chris and Kanth have, then put it out here for the community. Or stop with the sanctimonious cheap shots because you have an anonymous identity.
Because the terrain editor will import raw files to produce your landscape, I got to this point in about two weeks including the time spent creating the blueprint. The terrain editor is a very simple tool requiring only pushing buttons to see what happens, and at the minimum the same amount of imagination to write your name in wet sand with your finger. I've seen Kanth's work and Chris's in this POST, both are blessed with abundant imagination. So, AAIK, show us your superior product.......