I hate this part, setting up the fields, then I hate just as much setting up the GV spawns.
The land mass shape and rules for minimum distances between feilds mostly dictate how bases will be positioned. Then there is some lee way like strat placement, Vbases and ports. Also the total number of fields that can be captured for each country. 20% of say 117 capture able feilds, CV\BB and ports, airfeilds, and Vbases comes to 23 or 24 feilds.
Right now I have the total number of feilds down to 74 which 20% is 14 to 15 feilds. With our current community average nightly numbers, 14-15 feilds can keep a map around for a long time. A long time is a double edged sword if the terrain cannot engage activity out of small numbers. Unlike the good old days of 400 a night and massive hoards rolling bases, back then you designed a map to impede a hoard and the challenge created activity. Today with smaller numbers you have to encourage the numbers to create activity.
I'm basing 74 capture able feilds on being able to assign a CV and BB to each of the 5 ports and no Vbases on any island. Vbases are an interesting strategy you use to slow down a hoard by keeping a threat of M3 resupplying a reality, or using the Vbase to create a distance buffer between airfields to string out groups from effectively acting in concert against targets say 1.5-2 sector away versus 1 or .75 away. Having multiple GV hangers maintains an irritating persistence which can ultimately stop reginal base captures or even stall an initiative. Everyone has watched a Vbase take an irritatingly long time to be captured when it should have been flattened by a box of lancasters and the troops run in. And everyone has watched your country's air combat evening go to poop because half your country population decided to sit in tanks for the rest of the night at a Vbase.
Honestly I can see a minimum of 7 locations for Vbases as strategic linchpins to 4 of the islands. 20% of 81 is.....16 bases for the war win. It's all fun and games until someone gets bored....... Hmmmmm, and two more flak bases.....
Did I mention how much I hate designing GV spawn flows, my own squad mates have questioned my choices of base placements or spawns or other objects on my first terrain because it didn't seem like an advantage for them. Even members of the country I was in questioned my decisions for the same reason. But, there is lots of "activity" on that terrain......
I'm showing two views, one without the sector lines and one with for perspective. The island formations in the two other countries are mirrors of this country rotated 120 degrees. I still have to add field type abbreviations and spawns before rotating a copy of this 120 for the other countries. Then number every single airfield, port-CV\BB, Vbase, Flak base. Thennnnn, I can get back to sculpting all of the islands by hand....
Red-strats, blue-flak base, yellow-port, orange-airfield.