I can't claim to read Hitech's mind. But, I've had 15 years of watching him operate and it's possible he gave us a solution to the dominance of the M3 and towns attracting players who don't want to really fight.
1. - Waffle changes out three vBases for three small airfields with the maproom on the airfield. They are 13 miles from each other creating lots of fruballs and tank combat in the center of them at tank town. This sets a precedence for specific situations to space airfields that close while testing if closer airfields will generate more activity.
2. - Waffle introduces static one off bridges for the Melee arena terrains and Hitech publicly invests precious debug time to make them work. And publicly states he likes the idea of indestructible bridges acting as GV combat
choke points.
3. - Waffle introduces buzzsaw and is willing to tweek it from player feed back. Good way to gather information in real time on how players utilize the arena today. Asking questions in the forums results in answers of what the player sees in his fantasies about the game. Reading complaints tells you exactly how players utilize the arena.
If you connect the dots in some manner, you can slow down GV's with choke points courtesy of Hitech while turning an airfield into the center of the fight. If you want to ignore a flashing base, you loose it because an M3 just de-acks and drops troops. Never tested to see if the 50. on an M3 has enough ammo to do that though. Or, just have a friend be a suicide porker. If you check out what is making it flash, you have a very good chance to whiz on a GV's day and camp some bridges to snipe M3's and tanks. And because precedence now shows closer airfields of equal elevations generate air combat, you place most of your airfields 19 miles apart versus the standard 25 and farther. The three airfields on NDisles, static bridge objects, and buzzsaw being quickly modified by Waffle looks like someone trying to adjust the game without disrupting the game with the wrong overnight changes.
So you end up with me creating a new terrain and taking this experiment a bit farther. Of the 29 feilds in each country on my new terrain, 7 of them have the new bridges to slow down GVs. Six of them are a small airfield with the maproom next to the tower. One is a GV's nightmare assault.
Here's what it looks like, three indestructible bridges between the airfield and the spawns and no town to make the M3 the most dangerous tool in the game.
A GV nightmare assault up a 500ft climb, the two bridges will be camped waiting for end runs. The center ramp is to make it possible to win with some effort.
Waffle's precedence of three small airfields with maproom on the field 13 miles apart.