There were (roughly speaking) four types of action at Rabaul in this time period:
1. NOE B-25's, escorted by P-38's, out of Dobodura direction.
2. High-alt B-24's, escorted by Corsairs and Hellcats, out of Munda direction.
3. High-alt B-24's, escorted by P-38's, out of Port Moresby.
4. SBD's and TBM's off CV's, escorted by Corsairs and Hellcats.
We don't have enough players to cover all of these.
To start with, I picked option 2 to cover a lot of the Black Sheep action, and most (although certainly not all) bomber folks would prefer B-24's over SBD's and TBM's.
But that action would be then be a majority of escort of highish-alt B-24's. It would be in action a lot like Big Week, which we recently completed, only without even the diversity of target location. If we put B-25's in there, it would add a lot of diversity to the type of action, and things for sure would range from higher right down to the deck. Then it requires P-38's, too, which several players very much wanted. So, that enables options 1 and 2. With the slight modification of allowing the B-24 group to take off from either Munda direction or Port Moresby direction, it also enables option 3.
The two drawbacks are:
1. With only about 40 players on a side, we now have fewer Corsairs than if we were doing just option 2.
2. It's a little cumbersome on the allies to coordinate two widely separated forces (but they can handle it
