Author Topic: Target Rabaul Scenario Frame 4 - Saturday November 18th, 2017  (Read 625 times)

Offline Nefarious

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Target Rabaul Scenario Frame 4 - Saturday November 18th, 2017
« on: September 28, 2017, 09:13:30 PM »
Target Rabaul Scenario Frame 4

Dates of the scenario (note that daylight saving time is changing during this event, and it changes on different days for different countries -- if you aren't the US, please check your local time vs. GMT to be sure for each frame):

    October 28:  3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific, 7 pm GMT.  <-- First two frames are 7 pm GMT
    November 4:  3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific, 7 pm GMT.
    November 11:  3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific, 8 pm GMT.  <-- Last two frames are 8 pm GMT.
    November 18:  3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific, 8 pm GMT.

F4U-1A's, P-38G's, F6F's, B-25's, and B-24's of the US Navy, US Marines, and USAAF
Ki-84's, N1K2's, Ki-61's, and A6M5's of Imperial Japan

Pappy Boyington and the Black Sheep, Dick Bong, Tommy McGuire, John Blackburn and Blackburn's Irregulars, the Fighting Corsairs, Marion Carl, Neel Kearby, Robert Hanson, Tetsuo Iwamoto, Sadamu Komachi, Takeo Tanimizu, Shizuo Ishi-i -- these are some of the men who fought in the twisting dogfights over Rabaul in late 1943 and early 1944.  This is where some of those famous pilots met their end.

Air-to-air combat, bomber intercept, escort, bombing, ground attack, and anti-shipping -- please join us for the twisting aerial combat in the skies over Rabaul.

There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!