i know a couple other players have mentioned using these, I've been using them for a short while too now as my contacts were just getting too dry using the Rift.
I bought both sets from the VR Lens Lab group, and the WIDMovr company. Both have their positive attributes, but i'm satisfied with both. The VR Lens ones are VERY cheap, and if you live in Europe come quickly, I waited 10 days in Canada after ordering, and that included a 4 day long weekend where no mail moves here, at all. They are easy to insert, although the Widmovr ones do this a bit better due to the nature of their design.
I have a fairly light/average script, -2.0 right and - 2.5 left, but a pretty significant astigmatism in the right, but that wasn't an issue at all, they got the power in just the right place with both companies.
I'll put up some pics later on of the Widmovr lenses, the VR lens lab ones are like so -

With the basic lenses, without various coatings, which is what I got for the VRlens lab ones as their rep was a bit more spotty, and I didn't want to waste $ on stuff that had little effect according to what reviews I've read, the cost is only 40 Euros/$48USD. They work fantastic for me, absolutely PERFECT. The Widmovr models cost about $75 USD including shipping, and there was no duty at least into Canada, likely the same for the USA as well, and they took 9 business days to arrive, not bad considering.
Once I play around with the Widmovr ones, which are of a bit better quality, I'll post an update. I'd recommend either if you wear glasses or contacts, these things keep your regular glasses from damaging your lenses, or not fitting well, and if you can't or don't like wearing contacts for any reason, this is the solution.