I felt really bad when looking at the logs that you had gone down to my guns and that it lowers our score as well. But when I reviewed the film it was apparent that I never saw you.
I was going in low to clear my squaddie AKShrike from the evil clutches if Sawzaw. Sawzaw was pretty much done being that there were about 8 of us shooting at him. You past between Sawzaw and myself at about 200 yds. from beneath. The snapshots show you taking a 20mm to the canopy.
Had I know you were coming through, I would have released the trigger.
Tale of the tape...
In the gunsight on Sawzaw. JDog approaching from right low.
JDog firing...
Sawzaw explodes and JDog catches a few rounds.
Same image farther out.
This kind of stuff happens. It's unfortunate...