Author Topic: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.  (Read 8042 times)

Offline Flossy

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2017, 11:49:17 AM »
I also enjoyed when Battle over Germany was run at 9:30pm est. 3:30 is tough (I'd imagine for a lot of people) but usually most people are starting to head home after dark.
I had to miss that one because of the stupid time.  I'm simply not able to stay up until 2:30 am to start a scenario, much less play 3 hours until 5:30 am.  I did stay up until then for the first 12-hour scenario as a one-off occasion but not over four weekends.
I would agree with the statement about the time as well. Perhaps it would be best if the event started around 6:00 or 7:00 EST. That gives EU players a chance to fly, as well as players in NA. I do not know if it's been tried before, but I think it's worth a shot.
Although a slightly better time, I would still find it difficult to start an event at 11:00 pm or midnight and then fly for 3 hours after that. 

3:00 pm Eastern time has really become a tried and tested standard after years of events since the early Air Warrior days, and works out best for the widest range of timezones; obviously not perfect for everyone but can't win everything.  (8:00 pm UK, 9:00 pm CET, 10:00 pm Finland, as well as 12:00 noon PST and 10:00 or 11:00 am further west).  These of course are show up times with start time usually half an hour later and the event going on for a further 3 hours, and we're talking 1:30 am finish time for the Finns!   

I would prefer to continue with this time slot.   :old:    :cheers:
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline TheBug

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2017, 03:15:44 PM »
I would generate a start time based upon the time the MA holds the largest numbers on Saturday.  It is obviously the best time for most people to log in and play and would allow for the biggest pool to draw walk-ons from.  It may be that it is 3:30pm EST, I haven't tracked arena numbers.  But I highly doubt that is the case.  I can't say for sure that it would improve numbers either, just to me seems the most logical time to try and get the most people.
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Offline Brooke

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2017, 11:25:28 PM »
Regarding item #1, getting the word out - do you think HTC would allow a login clipboard pop-up promo for impending scenarios?

I'd love for scenarios to be mentioned in a pop-up arena message in Open Melee if possible.  I've asked about that a couple of time, but not gotten any response yet.  I will ask some more.

Offline Brooke

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2017, 11:32:39 PM »
We tried different scenario times.  At US prime time, we got more American players and fewer European players, but the total (American + European) stayed about the same as running at 3 pm Eastern.

Offline Brooke

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2017, 11:37:45 PM »
The large majority of players in Open Melee do not visit the message board and don't know what a scenario is.

If you are looking for where folks can make the biggest impact, I think it is in reaching out to folks in Open Melee and recruiting them into scenarios.

That is the untapped resource.

Offline Devil 505

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2017, 12:18:00 AM »
The large majority of players in Open Melee do not visit the message board and don't know what a scenario is.

If you are looking for where folks can make the biggest impact, I think it is in reaching out to folks in Open Melee and recruiting them into scenarios.

That is the untapped resource.
I'd love for scenarios to be mentioned in a pop-up arena message in Open Melee if possible.  I've asked about that a couple of time, but not gotten any response yet.  I will ask some more.

Can kill two birds with one stone. Pop up adverts for scenarios with an active link to the BBS for more info. Seems like a no-brainer given that HTC's most dedicated customers are the Event junkies.

Step 1: get them in events.
Step 2: get them in the BBS community
Step 3: Profit
Kommando Nowotny

Offline buddyshamrock

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #36 on: November 29, 2017, 08:36:49 AM »
Great discussion ... Been in the game for 9 plus years and it's not the same .... only from my personal viewpoint of the Knight players now on the game.

And yes, I enjoy all the updates and the new version very much. But it seems to me that we lost players who enjoyed using strategies to "win" the war such as organized missions, hitting strats and runway missions to relive pressure on a nearby base being overwhelmed.  I can only judge this from being a Knight, perhaps the other countries still have this former aspect in game play.

I recall in particular 8 or 10 sets of bombers hitting a strat and encountering masses of fighters on the way. No more. In the last few months of play I can't recall a bomber mission that took out hdqs.

Perhaps when the ranks are again at the old player level, new leaders will emerge and the game will show organization and a command structure once more.  But I still love this game.

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2017, 09:58:12 AM »
The large majority of players in Open Melee do not visit the message board and don't know what a scenario is.

If you are looking for where folks can make the biggest impact, I think it is in reaching out to folks in Open Melee and recruiting them into scenarios.

That is the untapped resource.
Would it be possible to have the arena message pop up say two or three months in advance and say the following:

Next scenario running April 2018, Hell Over Germany (just an example)

Frame Dates: April 7, 14, 21, 28
Start time:
Allied Planeset: Etc
Axis Planest: Etc
Available Squadrons:
For further detail visit the Aces High Bulletin Board under scenarios, or visit

Is that possible to be placed into the main arena message board?
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Offline oboe

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2017, 11:18:08 AM »
I envision something along these lines for the MA arena message.    I don't know if including an image is possible but I think an action picture grabs people more than a block of text would:

Keeping the information general reduces HTC's workload as they wouldn't have to change it between scenarios.   

Offline APDrone

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2017, 12:00:50 PM »
I envision something along these lines for the MA arena message.    I don't know if including an image is possible but I think an action picture grabs people more than a block of text would:

(Image removed from quote.)

Keeping the information general reduces HTC's workload as they wouldn't have to change it between scenarios.


Scenario "Battle of Britain" KG53

Offline Frodo

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2017, 04:47:06 PM »
I only remember 1 scenario run on a Sat. at prime time. The set up was terrible from what I recall. 262s run amok and GVs also. This going from memory so I may have missed something as I don't track stuff like some.

But in my opinion you need to grow scenarios when you have the most players playing. I know that sucks for some of the players outside the U.S. But to keep trying the same thing over and over with no better numbers doesn't make sense.

I would run scenarios on off FSO Fri. nights right now and start them an hour or two earlier than FSO. This is the time of the highest numbers I have seen lately in the Main arena. You have a built in base to work with I think with all the FSO people on. You could hopefully grow it from there. Would mean moving Combat Challenge to another night but might be worth it? I also think Sat. or Sun. night prime time might work. Best numbers I have seen lately are on Fri. and Sun. nights.

To grow numbers you need to cater to walk ons at first. Make it as easy as possible for them to fly what they want and experience a scenario. Might not be ideal for the old hands in scenarios but worth the trouble to gain players.

My 2 cents   :old:   :cheers:



Offline Brooke

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2017, 02:27:56 AM »
Nice one, Oboe!

Yep, that would indeed be great.  I have asked a couple of times in the past if we can do that and haven't gotten a rejection at least.  I'll keep trying.

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2017, 06:31:11 AM »
Thanks for trying Brooke!   

We could also make scenario-specific ads featuring combat scenes with the scenario aircraft as the run-date gets closer.   The general info spot could run a handful of times a year, between scenario dates.  Don't want people to see it so much that they get sick of it.  This popup is scrollable, so we could include date and time info as BFoot1 laid out, below the image and description.

Offline kilo2

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2017, 01:16:48 AM »
"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces"

Same guys (who once were in charge) blaming the same people.

X.O. Kommando Nowotny

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Offline Easyscor

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Re: What we lost, why I think we lost it, and want it back.
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2017, 06:57:52 AM »
Same guys (who once were in charge) blaming the same people.

Unless you were actually one of those "people" long enough to find out how it is, you don't know what you're talking about. Just saying.
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