Last night whilst trying to setup some Pickup Missions, I loaded a previously saved Pickup Mission, but when I went to add way points for a given flight and/or attempted to move that established way point using Shift+Click, the game froze up on me.
I attempted to replicate it once I got back into the game (having to ctrl+alt+delete close out the non-responding application), as soon as I attempted to add a way point the game crashed.
I tried from an airfield, then from a CV. Each time if i was able to set a way point, i couldn't adjust that way point without the game crashing. The next time as soon as I attempted to place a waypoint, the game crashed.
I even tried to create a brand new pickup mission thinking I maybe had some weird artifact from AH2, I still encountered the same behavior.
I'll give it another try tonight. . . Strange. Any idea's?