I thought this issue I'm about to tell was a urban legend kind of story, but my sister told me about it and this does (used to) happen.
My sister had a young employee, let's call her Millie for her age group. Millie had a performance review that was less than spectuar. I think she was rated "successful" and not "strong" or "exceptional" and called her VP father who then called her, my sister and proceeded to yell at her that his daughter was 'exceptional'. While he was yelling at her, Millie was smiling at my sister at the same time.
While the dad VP is the friend of another senior exec where my sister works and felt entitled to call my sister, did a big mistake...she doesn't take crap from anyone
Sister hung up on him mid-sentence...walked over to smiling Millie who suddenly had a look of fear on her face from my sisters expression, asked her to stand up, take her purse and coat, and proceeded to walk her out the doors to the escalator, got her access badge, gave her a taxi chit, and fired her on the spot with a polite "you're done. go home."
Yep. My sister, beautiful woman and scary as fudge when she gets angry. I blew coffee out my nose when she told me that one.