Author Topic: Bug In Hitechs Brain  (Read 470 times)

Offline LTCClark

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Bug In Hitechs Brain
« on: April 11, 2018, 07:02:10 PM »

After todays update I am reporting a bug in Hitechs Brain.

This is an intervention.

While everyone likes the VR Concepts there are several things that came with the 3.03 Patch 7 that people are rather peturbed about.

1. The Control Modes

Many users such as I use different modes for different things.

IE Mode 3 for 2 engine aircraft
    Mode 4 for 4 engine aircraft

The mode 3 and 4 should not have been changed, however a feature should have been added to allow auto assign for the modes instead of them being forced upon the users.

Clipboard Text Cluttering
The added + and - on the clipboard should have been enabled in VR modes only,  it creates text clutter on the map and there are alot of complaints.

Vehicle Changes - AGAIN??
The ability to allow the vehicles to move by turning the wheel allows us to hopefully unstick ourselves from trees, and i have found it will take someone a great deal of time to get themselves off of a tree if they are caught on one from the side of the tree (IE their tracks)
Also in the Panther, JagtPanzer and Tiger models and any other Tank that allows 360* rotation or independent reversing of tracks to rotate the entire tank at a 0 axis this is now a non function.

Auto Pilot Changes
While the niceties of having the auto pilot controlled with one switch, and I know that there was code written to detect the auto pilot engaged or not in the game is nice.
The ability to hit the auto pilot only while the stick is in a neutral state is totally different than what users have been used to since the start of the game.

Double Clicking of controllers to engage wep and forward back controls for vehicles
This is a good concept however the purpose of having a seperate button for wep is now defeated and some people are finding that the double taps they are using to increase / decrease throttle are now causing their aircraft / vehicle to accelerate faster than what they should.

I personally use Rudder pedals for my game time and the toes act as the forward back stop etc.
So now every time i try to reverse my vehicle instead i get the engine being turned off.
Also the speed of the vehicle is not set to 0 when the engine comes back on, so instead as soon as the engine comes on i am being propelled back to the previous speed
kind of makes it pointless to hide in trees and then start up and let the engine run so i can back up

Please ask users what they would like to see,
VR Version should be made into a separate client to avoid unnecessary things being introduced to the non vr users.

the VR Version could be an independent addon that would interface with the non vr model. i have seen this work and have programmed this to work, and there is no API required as it would be a seperate set of dlls and would act on the current game.
In example, you have the software already in the client and the vr would be replacing those files that are needed.

Organization is key and I am afraid that Hitech is not listening to his customers input on hardly anything in the game, rather it is being done without their input and at the detriment of the community.

Honestly , I would like to see a patch release schedule that only paying customers could be able to check out and see what is coming next, and be able to comment on the future implementations and provide input.

This is a community driven game and the community is a very loyal one, otherwise we would not still be here after almost 20 years of Aces High, and would not be still supporting the game.

The best companies that always seem to survive is the ones that are driven by the community in which they serve, not the ones that they are trying to.  Take care of the customers that you have and more will follow.
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Offline MrGeezer

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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2018, 07:57:03 PM »
<<<Auto Pilot Changes
While the niceties of having the auto pilot controlled with one switch, and I know that there was code written to detect the auto pilot engaged or not in the game is nice.
The ability to hit the auto pilot only while the stick is in a neutral state is totally different than what users have been used to since the start of the game.>>>

Yes, and it's a royal pain in the KEESTER!  It will force us to have to bail out with a pilot wound.  I used to could use auto pilot when blacked out and "time" my landing.  If you stay with this extremely dumb "fix" PW blackouts will be a death sentence.

Please.................UN-DO this "fix".

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Offline LTCClark

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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2018, 10:18:38 PM »
Since the game has updated, I am unable to gun in Lancasters as the head positions are all off and i cannot get a good sight picture
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Offline toddbobe

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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2018, 12:56:15 AM »
While I think the last update can be called a bug all by itself, I must dissent from the title of this thread. Everyone at HTC works hard and is doing their best to put out a good product... one that we all enjoy... That being said... this patch will forever in my mind be known as the "new coke" patch.

Offline viking73

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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2018, 01:33:39 AM »
See rule #4
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 11:07:05 AM by hitech »
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Offline noman

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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2018, 07:52:15 AM »
Since the game has updated, I am unable to gun in Lancasters as the head positions are all off and i cannot get a good sight picture

You do know you can move the head positions to get your sight picture back don't you? Page Up and Page Down will move the head up and down.
You guys are so quick to throw stones and find something to complain about. You think Hitech does this stuff just to purposefully piss you off. He is doing it to make things better and attract new players. There will always be something someone doesn't like about the game but bashing Hitech does nothing but bring strife and splits this community even more. I know one thing for dang sure Hitech has some pretty thick skin to listen to all you complainers and not tell you to shove off because I would have pulled the plug by now. <RANT OFF> 
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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2018, 08:42:55 AM »

PW blackouts will be a death sentence.

I found that line funny, as I'm sure passing out while flying was always as safe as not passing out. :)

Clipboard > Options > Preferences > Flight > Auto Engage AutoPilot

Offline Waffle

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Re: Bug In Hitechs Brain
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2018, 08:44:48 AM »
Since the game has updated, I am unable to gun in Lancasters as the head positions are all off and i cannot get a good sight picture

-Are you using VR? or monitor? - Cannot duplicate it here on both versions.