Thanks for the writeup AKKuya!
I will be coordinating the bombing effort of the Allies (rooks) for 3/14
A pickup mission will be built, called Fortress Europe
There will be a flight for each aircraft:
Skins the bombers will be
B17 381st BG
B24 446th BG
Fighters Use an 8th AF skin of your leader's choice.
I want to launch the mission at 10PM EST, 9PM Central, 0200 UTC
Since we are using specific skins we WILL NOT LET THE MISSION LAUNCH US. However, refer to the mission for details as to airfield, fuel, and ordnance loadouts. Set these up in the hangar. Be sure to enable formations!
On my command ( Mission Text Channel ) I will announce to go to the specific runway.
Once you have spawned, kill your engines until instructed to start.
We will wait a few seconds to let everybody get on the runway.
Then I will call for engine start.
Then a short countdown to roll launch.
We will use the wingman formation feature, so become familiar with that. There will also be waypoints on the mission, so know how to display those on your clipboard maps.
Originating airbase, course, and target selection will be made the night of the event.
We are not participating in the 'win the war' aspect of the game, so our targets will be strictly strats. Hopefully, this will encourage other bomber/allied pilots to switch to Rooks to join us on this mission.
We will bomb 1 Knight strat and 1 Bishop strat. Order to be determined as the mission unfolds.
Mission vox will be 117 or 124.. Depending on traffic.
Fighters being what they are, any escorts who want to join up with us after launch are encouraged to do so.
I would appreciate it if all bomber pilots join and roll with the rest of the mission players. Mainly as it allows me to get a good head count of the participants.
I really hope to see a big crowd for this. Should be a blast!