After creating custom heightmap files to do the primary land block creation in my terrains, I have a thought about Artik's program for MA terrains.
I have to create layer templates in my 1:1 blueprint that ultimately my base topographical profile comes out of that is turned into a RAW import file. One of the layers evenly divides a square into 3 countries since the actual combat area is a circled 10 sectors or 20 sectors in diameter. All the corners are empty space you have to creatively fill like you have seen with my new terrain riftval.
I use layers to create all the elevations in a 16bit grayscale png file. When I have what I want I merge and achieve clean noise free edges between all the the elevations. Then I convert that for import into the terrain editor. Very simple to do. And now after riftval, I know how to edit a whole CBM map with an arena sized 2D topographical foundation to create a world much quicker than the time I just spent developing the skill. In that map below, I built everything with 2D topographical profiles drawn onto the land by hand. Still how else was I going to get my custom result that no geo map on earth looks exactly like this? But, the topographical formations all over the world do which the Artik program can produces endless examples of.
My thought is take "however many" geo converted maps created by the Artik program, scale them the same first, then make a template to highlight a section you want and put that in a layer controlled by a master over lay divider layer. At which point you can rotate the thing to fit if you want everything to radiate from the center. I did that to ensure my three countries in riftval were meeting at the center of the rift valleys that define the boarder. Along with I created all the elevations as separate rings in separate layers.
Once you have all the sections from different geo converted heightmaps in layers, merge and you have a new import file. After it pops up the land in the terrain editor, use a little artistic elbow grease like I do to blend the transitions and paint the thing. Then figure out how to plop in the feilds without damaging too much of the topography you worked so hard to get into the terrain editor. Getting to an import file for this would probably take about a week of futsing around versus my last 5 months of learning how to scale and create a more real world like topography with the AH terrain editor and the limitations of the polygons. Those polygons are a freaking bite when they are laughing at you every single day.....
And before anyone poops on this, have any of you tried to accomplish this with several export files from the Artik program? Wonder if Photo Shop will not allow RAW files to be layered and you would have to convert the cliped parts to 16bit grayscale png, and convert the finished file back? Still much easier than my way that takes about 6 months an MA terrain. Would it not be easier if you could pick and choose parts of different geo maps and combine them into one raw file for import? Then you really would not have to learn the terrain editor, just how to generally blend a few things and how to paint.
Cause this was a whole lotta work researching the topography, using the TE tools to their limits, and artistically with the tile blending and color limitations which suck. I just wanted to see if it could be done with the AH terrain editor old school style becasue MA terrains have always been so clunky in most cases, and not resort to simpler work arounds. You can imagine the amount of work it took from the two screen shots below. The first one is the finished topography and the second one I painted the day I first imported it 5 months ago to contrast the elevation bands.

Honestly this is what I did in the terrain editor and it's very simple. Right out of 8th grade science class. Seems to me after three terrains Artik's program and futsing around in Paint Shop would be a way to get more none artists trying MA terrains. Geo maps don't make you pull it out of thin air on a blank terrain surface. It is tough enough getting a handle on the strategy of field and spawn layouts while setting up all that game infrastructure which can take another month or so.
I drew topo guides like this on the CBM area I was working in an art program, then transferred from the CBM. You can do the whole terrain in the CBM in one go or bites at a time. That map won't go anywhere, it's always waiting to laugh at you.....

Raised them with the elevation tool brush, then got artsy on it's kester.

Most of us should have made things like this way back in Primary Ed science classes.