This bug has been present since the version where the limited speed of sound was implemented, but I kept forgetting to mention it. (A cursory search failed to find any other mention of it.)
The GV engine sound is properly delayed by the limited speed of sound, but the vehicle track sounds are apparently not. This means when a distant vehicle starts moving you hear the track, but not the engine, for a short period of time. Obviously this has no operational limitation as you can still hear the moving GV, but it leads to complaints of players "cheating" because they can "move" without making sound ("proven", paradoxically, by the fact that the person claiming cheating can hear the tracks). If the track sound were delayed like the engine by speed of sound limited time delay no one would have any reason to claim other people are "cheating"... OK, they would have one less reason.
[For those that don't understand what I'm talking about consider lightning and thunder: you see a lightning flash but you don't hear the thunder until (hopefully) seconds later. Specifically about 5 seconds for each mile of range between you and the lightning bolt.]