The impression I got from the fuel burn rates we had on this last TOD frame is that the fuel multiplier was set different to the first frame. Was the first frame fuel multiplier set to 1.5?
The reason I ask is that in the first frame we flew the same attack profile as in the second (although heavier ord in the first) without any problems. In the second frame though we ran out of fuel after travelling a shorter distance.
If the fuel multipliers were set differently, please ensure that the first frame settings are used for the third.
After all, it seems unrealistic that the F4u-1D would have a combat radius of less than 75 miles with 100% internal fuel, HVARS and 2x250lb bombs. We climbed with about 80% power settings, cruised at 17k to target and then made only one pass and transited back at medium alt on cruise power. However, we still ran out of fuel on approach to the cv, doesn't seem very realistic (without knowing the exact specs of course).
Kinda spoils the fun of a semi-historical event if you can't even make a 100 mile round trip without running out of fuel.