Author Topic: suppress landed aircraft icons on dar  (Read 614 times)

Offline pembquist

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suppress landed aircraft icons on dar
« on: October 10, 2018, 04:25:21 PM »
The other country was trying to capture a port. I had driven an m-3 in from an adjacent base for resupply. They had landed a C-47 to try to be sneaky. Completely pointless as since I was near enough I could see the icon on dar when I couldn't actually see the aircraft. I would wish that the same agl floor for dar would apply when it is the proximity dar or whatever you call it.
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Offline ccvi

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Re: suppress landed aircraft icons on dar
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2018, 03:07:51 PM »
Is there a difference for GVs and aircraft seeing the icon? I'm not sure, but based on some some anecdotal evidence it seems that aircraft don't see the icon (and don't trigger map icon) icon for landed planes. Maybe GVs see the icon (and trigger the map icon)? Then the whish might simply be "Let GVs see aircarft icons the same way as planes do"?

Offline puller

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Re: suppress landed aircraft icons on dar
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2018, 05:52:04 PM »
+1 on no icon for landed planes that are not moving
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Offline haggerty

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Re: suppress landed aircraft icons on dar
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2018, 03:42:34 PM »
I've located Cybro with this method, as he shows up on the map clear as day when you are flying near his airfield.  Just shoot the bush that correlates with the map and you get a kill.  I think the only easy way they will be able to fix this will be to remove all radar reports under 65ft, as they already have a variable set for being below radar.  Right now it seems that it displays everyone in icon range, even if you aren't physically able to see the icon of the plane because of other variables like being low to the ground decreasing icon range.
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