Author Topic: nose bounce P47  (Read 1142 times)

Offline turt21

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nose bounce P47
« on: October 06, 2018, 06:49:19 PM »
I think this has been hammered before but I cant find the info/help here to alleviate. Are there any videos or stick map settings to help this. Im not too proud to copy someone elses that works.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: nose bounce P47
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2018, 01:40:10 AM »
For was all about the SCALING of "Y"axis. Started mine about 1/2 way up slider from 10 -50 % then in a steady curve to the 90% at full. Also,"DEAD BAND" puts some delay between stick movement and the GAMES acknowledgment of the movement. It takes some tinkering, but it will help nose bounce. THOSE Jugs have some MASSIVE control surfaces, especially RUDDER. I have the JUG mapped to mode 4 in controller Modes, as most other planes react different to a stick set up for an JUG.
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Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: nose bounce P47
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2018, 03:09:00 AM »
My personal preference is to fly with scaling either turned off (meaning every scale slider is maxed out at the top to 100%) / or with scaling turned on and all scale sliders maxed out to 100% across the top!

This in turn gives all your controllers and axis a 1:1 ratio and is basically the same as Real life with nothing being dumbed down....  Another way to put it, is it gives your controllers the closest ability to being Full Realism as one can be in the game....

Now to control "Nose Bounce" trim your P-47 model for Top Speed in level flight... Use the IAS (indicated air speed)  needle ( the White Needle)... Once you have reached Top Speed in level flight without WEP being used or turned on and you have trimmed out your P-47, then don't mess with the trim anymore...

ALSO: do not use CT (Combat Trim)

As your plane slowes down and you begin to possibly even use flaps, Combat Trim will make "Nose Bounce" worse and more exaggerated...

What you want to have, is a slight heavy stick, to where you are required to or need to have to use a slight pull on your joystick to hold your bore sight / gun sight steady on your target....please note that the slight yet gentle pull you will need to hold a good "sight picture" will keep your nose from bouncing, or jumping up if you are needing to drop a notch of flaps deployed while you are dogfighting...

A quick and easy way to get your plane trimmed out very fast, is to turn on CT (Combat Trim) and go into a wings level shallow dive to quickly increase your speed (you can even use WEP to help to build speed) and once you have reached anywhere between 315 IAS to 330 IAS (IAS = Indicated Air Speed / White Needle) turn off your WEP if you were using it and turn off CT (Combat Trim)....side note: I prefer to be already leveled back out and flying level, before turning off WEP first (if it was being used) and then turning off CT (Combat Trim).... This is my own personal preference,  but sometimes one doesn't have the time to go through the complete process, so one can short cut a few steps by just making sure that your wings are level and that WEP is off before turning off CT / Combat Trim.....the reason that you will want to have WEP turned off is to reduce the extra torque that the engine is putting on the will cause your plane's trim to have ill effects if you turn off the CT / Combat Trim and don't turn off the WEP first...

This personal preference of mine, I actually use in all the different types of fighter models in the game....I've found that I gain even more benefits, than just fixing the "Nose Bounce" issue

Hope this is of help to someone....


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Offline turt21

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Re: nose bounce P47
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2018, 06:58:49 AM »
Is it common when you release that first burst at a target that the nose bounces up? Also is there any screenshots of these slider positions? Many thanks for the help. Now I have something to do this aft.                             SKTurt
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 07:03:01 AM by turt21 »

Offline Max

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Re: nose bounce P47
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2018, 07:30:53 AM »
My personal preference is to fly with scaling either turned off (meaning every scale slider is maxed out at the top to 100%) / or with scaling turned on and all scale sliders maxed out to 100% across the top!


 :headscratch: huh? What's the difference??

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Re: nose bounce P47
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2018, 07:37:54 AM »
What would you expect to happen when you fire 8 .50 cal machine guns at the same time?  :D

As TC mentioned, trimming for your speed is important. If you have dead-band on the pitch axis,  trimming the nose down so you have to hold the stick back slightly for level flight will make the stick more responsive for shooting.

If you haven't tried scaling before, start with the default scaling on the pitch axis and rudder axis. Roll doesn't need scaling.

Scaling everything 100% is just a way to turn scaling off.

If the stick moves back when you press the trigger that will bring your nose up. Some people prefer a trigger off the stick. You could also try pushing a button on the stick to fire to see if it makes a difference compared to pulling the trigger.