So I have been able to import custom objects into my terrain. So far, so good.
I am getting familiar with the objects hierarchy and groups and the import workflow.
At this point I am trying to import an object with a live shape and a dead shape. This part is not quite clear to me.
Can anyone point me at some instructions for define one of the meshes in the file as the dead shape? Currently what is happening is both objects are in the world from the start. So my dead shape is not hidden.
I have seen mentions of a AC3D plugin in old forum posts. Do I need this? I can't find it anywhere in my install.
Can someone throw me a bone?
Thanks in advance.

The plug-in you reference is probably for creating the normal bitmap in Photoshop or GIMP. It's the only one I know of.
You say you've already imported objects into your terrain AND you can see them. You must have used the Object Editor to convert from ac3d to the AH formats using its Import function so I won't discuss that further.
The OE has a button to edit the hierarchy tree of the object. Use it to compare the hierarchy a similar valid object already in the game to the one you are working on.
There can be multiple structures within an 'object' so there might be several objects and their related dead shapes. I don't have any available at the moment but here is the general structure.
..... group
....... live object
....... properties block
......... shape
....... dead object (immediately after the live shape)
....... properties block including the dead declaration
......... shape
..... group (next group shape)