We have a KOTH this weekend.

KOTH A will be held 8th December at 10pm EST, 9pm CST, 8pm MST, 7pm PST, 3am GMT, 4am CET in Special Events II arena. Rud3boi chose the D3A1 for December's first ride.
KOTH B will be held Saturday 22nd December at 3pm EST, 8pm GMT, 9pm CET in the SEAII arena. First plane will be the 109 F4 as chosen by last months winner Eagler!
ALL fliers are invited to Aces High's version of a "cage match"
These will be the last two chances to earn an invite into the 2018 Tournament of Champions where the winners and runner ups of the previous year will battle it out to become the un-disputed KOTH Champion for 2018.
Basic Concept:
All players fly the same plane type
Every man/woman for themselves
Fight to the death
Winner of the round chooses the next plane
Repeat until someone wins three rounds