"Any accusation of cheating is NOT to be posted on the BBS and should be sent to HTC.
They were looking for an answer, as most of us do when GV'ing and can't begin to explain how the other guy is doing what they are doing. . .
If it's talent, OK, then how'd they get there?
How are we, the targets of nefarious gameplay, supposed to know when someone is cheating? Perhaps by asking how the other guy was able to do things that don't make sense? Nope, that's a thread lock.....
How much time out of my day am I supposed to take to understand if I'm just a poor player, or someone is cheating!? what a joke. No accusation was provided in that thread, simply a question... The "suspect" wasn't even named, so why can't we try and understand how a player is doing what they are doing?!?!?! Oh right, because the secrets on how to game your game might become more widely known...
So frustrating that I am part of this late-stage-death-bed-don't-ask-don't-tell-game.
*Rant over*
No wait, screw the GV portion of this game... Now I'm done.