You are correct, they should be guided to the training either video or a trainer in the training arena. There is no formal training available and but that is not the subscriber's fault it's just our burden. HTC is the only one that can create a mandatory training boot camp but I doubt that will happen. I'm wondering if the new WOP will have a formal training arena? If not then the new player there won't last past 20 minutes either.
What game have you played that forced you through a session with a formal trainer? That would actively irk me.
What they need is something automated that walks you through the basic operations when you first start up. "Press E to start engine." "Pull back on the stick/move the mouse downward to take off." "If your plane goes too slowly it will stall." the first time it happens. Stuff like that.
Actually if it were me, I'd have it walk you through setting up your main controls on the first time through. "What do you want to use to make the plane go up and down?" "What do you want to use to make the plane roll?" "What do you want to use to fire all guns?" etc.
A video is not going to cut it. They need to have the information smashed in their faces repeatedly ingame.