Author Topic: Staged Mission Editor: "View Updates" not working?  (Read 367 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Staged Mission Editor: "View Updates" not working?
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:54:20 AM »

Sorry to be a pest.  ;)

I have another problem.  The editor appears to be acting as if the "View Updates" checkbox is being ignored.  That may not be the true root cause, but that is the impression.

1.  Layout a couple of waypoints and then try to use "Move Waypoints".  At first it appears it won't work.  You can't seem to grab and drag waypoints around.  However, if you zoom in and back out a notch ('W' and 'S') the view updates and the waypoint position updates and you see it at it's moved location.  "View Updates" was checked and I unchecked, rechecked several time, but with the same behavior.

2.  Set up some routes and flight and "Run" the mission from the editor in the bird's-eye mode view.  You used to could watch the various flights moving along their routes and check the timing of how they interact with each other. Now it appears nothing is happening. However, while the mission is running, if you constantly click "view Updates" on and off repeatedly, you can sorta get a freeze frame coarse animation of their movement along the route.  Strangely, if you click view terrain and select the flight and click "View Selected", it will animate the rendered flight planes in 3d and chase mode. But you are not watching the entire mission in bird's-eye mode.

I'm not dead in the water.  I can limp along with this for a while, but to someone trying out the editor, it would look hopelessly broken.

Side-Note:  I noticed that if I close the editor ungracefully, like with Alt-F4 while a mission is in "Run", the Mission Editor is left in memory consuming CPU as reported by TaskManager. I don't consider this a big issue.  I normally don't close like that unless I'm very frustrated.  :D


Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.