Author Topic: Setting Up key mapping for views  (Read 3598 times)

Offline FLS

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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2019, 04:39:51 PM »
You can have 3 sets of views using modes. Copy mode 1 to two other modes and set your hat views. Set buttons to toggle modes.

Offline Darkdiz

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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2019, 04:46:57 PM »
Thanks FLS, I'll give it a try.  Always more than one way to skin a cat ;)
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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2019, 05:04:39 PM »
I'm glad to help you and anyone when I can and have time...

As FLS has pointed out that you can use modes to get your views you desire...but have you tried just using Aces High's Controller(s) setup instead of going through key mapping and programming all your desired views

They are all listed....if memory serves me right there are 26 different views available, including around/over the nose of the plane

The game should recognize all of your controllers and analog to, can be used... If I remember correctly all you have to do is hit a button, hat-switch, press a paddle or whichever and it will pop up a list of things that you can select for that device input (Windows allows up to 256 device inputs same as Aces High, iirc..)

To get around not using mode switching, so you can use it for things like GVs, etc, talking about modes now....

On those paddles. Program the up modifier keys from the NumPad 5 and the down from the 0 on the NumPad...

^^^ is the easiest way to go, I think

All of this can be found on the Aces High help pages and Trainer's website

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Offline FLS

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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2019, 06:01:54 PM »
Thanks FLS, I'll give it a try.  Always more than one way to skin a cat ;)

I just add an up view (pinkie button) to my regular hat views.

I used to use two hats, the hat on my throttle was forward view, back, up, down. I combined up and down with the stick hat and could also check 6 with either hand.
Forward is your alternate front view which defaults to your regular front view.

Offline Bizman

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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2019, 02:20:55 AM »
Darkdiz, I have somewhat similar views you described on my stick and it's mapped directly in AH. The hat gives the default view. A button in my throttle is mapped for Look Up. Pressing that button and moving the hat gives all the upper directions. Same can be done by mapping a button for Look Down. Or, if you want to use the keyboard, Keypad 5 is the default for Look Up and Kp 0 is for Look Down. Combine those with your hat for all the directions.

Offline hitech

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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2019, 10:46:17 AM »
Thanks for the help TC, nice to see someone interested in actually helping a noob ;)
If you have an emaill addrfess, I can send you my files from AH2, when Foxy was the Thrustmaster software used to set up the Cougar.  Don't worry, it is WELL documented.  The problem was when I updated to W10, Foxy no longer worked for me, and so I had to re-code everything from TARGET, not a small task.  Probably the main reason I stopped playing AH, couldn't figure out how to get TARGET to give me what Foxy did.
As for setting up my TM Cougar, I have it set up, it is workable, flyable, but not tweaked 100% to my liking.  As I find time, I tweak it here and there, it is a work in progress.
My idea is to have 3 sets of views.  The first set, non-shifted, mapped to the POV hat, gives normal views (look left, look right, look back left etc).  The second set, the "up" views are the same keypad assignments, but alt-shifted.  So look up-left would be alt KP4.  The alt shift is mapped to either my paddle switch (S4) or to the pinky button, S3.  This allows me to say press POV L (KP4), giving me the normal left wing view, then presing in the paddle switch on the joystick (S4), shifting the view up.  Releasing the S4 switch returns the view to POV L, releasing the POV returns the view to forward.
The third set of views is similar, only it is CTL shifted, and would correspond to the down views.
If memory serves me, that was pretty much what I had programmed in Foxy, and it worked quite well.  TARGET though, another story, I find the instruction that come with it very incomplete, no command list etc (another rant for another day).
If you want to see what I HAD in Foxy, drop me an email to, I'll zip up the files and send them direct to you.

You can do exactly as you wish, except you need to choose different keys besides shift , ctrl and alt.


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Re: Setting Up key mapping for views
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2019, 09:20:46 PM »
Just a quick shout out to TC, FLS, Bizman et al...
You guys are clearly ROCK STARS!  Merci muchly for all of the help, I THINK I have it all sorted out, at least it SEEMS to work.  More tweaks to be done, but it ended up being a combo of TARGET and AH control mode maps.  If anyone is running a TM Cougar and would like a copy of the TARGET file, I would be honoured to provide it.
Now to practice before getting back to the on-line arena world...
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