I have a lot of empathy for your reluctance. I went through the same thing when the Oculus software stopped working with Win7 on my P67 motherboard (ASUS P8P67.) But I couldn’t bring myself to sell the Rift after using it in AH.
After running 10 over the last six or eight months, I’m finally as happy with it as I was with Win7.
Besides the telemetry, one of the worst aspects of Win10 is the steep learning curve required to customize the desktop user interface the way you’re used to. Six month on, I finally discovered how to boot the PC from the keyboard again using Ctrl+Esc, one of my most missed features from Win7.
As your motherboard is a series newer then mine, and updating your hardware to current boards and processors will force you into Win10 anyway, you might as well follow Bizman’s advice. You can dual-boot between 7 or 10 until you’re completely ready to cut the Win7 strings. Put the Win10 installer on a USB and you can reinstall it repeatedly. Call it a do-over when things like the sound settings get porked while you’re learning and testing.