Author Topic: Thursday May 2nd TTT: Jeep Race  (Read 369 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Thursday May 2nd TTT: Jeep Race
« on: April 28, 2019, 04:44:12 PM »
Thursday Team Tournament : Jeep Race SEA 2
May 2nd 9PM EST/8 PM CST

CM Host : AKKuya

Welcome!!!! Please read entire message.  All the info
will be there.

Please switch to country Bishop and report to A70
tower.  If you are in a Scenario squad, then please
withdraw to join a Racing Team.  Players in Racing
Team colors (Silver or Gold) are required for official
score.  Please be in arena 30 minutes prior to event
for Team Rosters.

Vehicle - Jeep

Team Vox:
Gold Team - Vox 196
Silver Team - Vox 107

Race Setup:
Players will start at A70 Vehicle Hangar (10,15 kp 2)
and on the text command GO!!!!  They will race North
overland to A67 (Red line) and destrpy 1 object, then
head East to A67 Town (Green line) and destroy 1 object.
Racers will drive West to A69 (Blue line) and destroy
1 object, then drive Southwest to A69 Town (Purple line)
and destroy 1 object.  Racers will drive North Northeast
to A68 (Orange line) and destroy 1 object, then drive
Southeast to A68 Town (Yellow line) and destroy 1 object.
Last thing is to End Sortie and receive You Have Been
Captured System text message.   

This is a one life event.  Players will have 2 Vehicle
Supplies to help Team members should a team mate suffer
an accident and needs assistance.  Players must be in
a Team Uniform (Gold or Silver Team) for official score. 

Race is finished when all upright players have reached
the finish line or all players have crashed and are
unavailable for rescue or T + 90.

Race Scoring:
The first place position is the lowest time from A70
launch time to each successive stop in outlined pre-
scribed list in order and End sortie at A68 Town after
destroying 1 Object for a You Have been Captured.  The
next lowest time for each succeeding position for all
racers. Cannonball Run style.  If you are the last
racer out the hangar, then your time starts then. 
The last racer out the hangar can still win the race
if the first racer takes longer to finish.

Offline or Custom Arena Setup:
Choose New Britain Terrain.  Go to Clipboard and select
Options then Arena Setup and then Fields.  In Left Window
Box, highlight A70 in drop down menu and leave highlighted.
In same Left Box Window, go to lower right box window
marked Current Country and select Bishops.  While A24 is
still highlighted and Bishop then over in Right Window Box
scroll through the plane list and highlight Jeep.  Keep
Jeep highlighted and click either Enable Plane Tab or Enable
At All Fields Tab.

If you can't take off, then go to Options then Arena Setup
then Enviroment then under General tab you will see Country
Flags Bishop.  If you see #2, then click Bishop Country
Flags for left window screen and in box where #2 change
to #3.  That will allow flight.

Players who arrive after Fields Closed or can no longer
fly the event can watch from CM Eye View. Go to clipboard,
click Options, click Controls, click Map Keys, click View
Select CM Eye Move Forward to highlight, click F7 and click
Set Key.  In Tower, click F5 for outside tower view, click
F7 to activate CM Eye Move Forward. Use throttle control for
speed and joystick to move left, right, up, and down.

Arena Settings:
Terrain New Britain
Killshooter ON
Full Radar Vehicles
Auto ack will be destroyed
Enable Tower Gods Eye
T + 5 Fields Closed
T + 90 minutes event is over.  Logs will be closed
and arena rebooted. Anyone still in arena will be
ejected including CM.

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?