Author Topic: Enough is enough  (Read 5373 times)

Offline flippz

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #105 on: June 24, 2019, 04:44:26 PM »
Ah, you only fly Spits. I suppose that's supposed to be a badge of honor. Good for you.

As far as your advice to get a second job or mow lawns, alas, a stroke cost me my manual labor gigs. You didn't know that. But then again there's likely a lot you think you know that you don't. Like that 'not everyone' bit. That's oversimplified nonsense. Not everyone is purely here for the quick and immediate gratification of a non-stop furball, either. That's the point. The AH community is a bit more complex and diverse than you seem to acknowledge or like.

And multiple folks don't like what I post? Your's aren't all that universally appreciated either, it seems. That doesn't mean I have anything personal against you. You can take that self persecution elsewhere. ;)

It wasn’t meant as a badge of honor. Just saying not a lot of slots at 20k.

I mean there is still those home cottage business where you phone folks from the house and sell them warranties on there cars. Also amazon has openings for resolution operations since your full or answers. None of those are really taxing for the ol ticker. 

And again I understand fully this game is not full of fast fur ball action. I just don’t get why I can’t WANT it to be just like 90% in the ma want it to be hide and seek and seems to be more about the air races. I mean I don’t complain. About the bomber at 30k cause I am not gonna chase him. The t34 and panzers don’t bother me when they are hiding in bushes. That’s their thing but when you have to chase planes to the ack and there’s a wirb sitting there to kill you that blows. Or how it seems every fight evolves over boats now now that we have the B.B. cruiser in some maps now.

I’ve about all but quit logging in at this point. Soon my acct will be closed and like many others I will dissolve to one who all forgets. Like all the others. I just wanted to point out what many have left the game for. They left quietly and they are the worst. Because if you don’t say something no one knows why you left. This really is a great game the players have devolved it down to what it is now. And again all those people didn’t quit cause they were having a good time and couldn’t get enough. You know what I’m saying.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #106 on: June 24, 2019, 05:24:07 PM »
It wasn’t meant as a badge of honor. Just saying not a lot of slots at 20k.

I mean there is still those home cottage business where you phone folks from the house and sell them warranties on there cars. Also amazon has openings for resolution operations since your full or answers. None of those are really taxing for the ol ticker. 

Brain, not ticker. Though there was the uncontrolled blood pressure. Which is what I had when I was doing online customer service. When I had a stroke. And that job didn't want the liability of my coming back to it when I was released to slowly ramp up to my workload. I know you have every answer, and all ... but it probably helps when you are fully informed. But I encourage you to keep trying.

And again I understand fully this game is not full of fast fur ball action. I just don’t get why I can’t WANT it to be just like 90% in the ma want it to be hide and seek and seems to be more about the air races.

You can want whatever you want to want. It's when one theorizes as to what is and isn't at fault and comes up with it being a lack of behavior coding and that forcing player to play the way you want them to is the universal secret to happiness for the entire AH player population where you kinda end up losing rational perspective.

I mean I don’t complain.

 Then I recommend stopping.

About the bomber at 30k cause I am not gonna chase him. The t34 and panzers don’t bother me when they are hiding in bushes. That’s their thing but when you have to chase planes to the ack and there’s a wirb sitting there to kill you that blows. Or how it seems every fight evolves over boats now now that we have the B.B. cruiser in some maps now.

How or what would you suggest Fugi to recommend, then? He's fond of magic coding limitations that'll fix ... whatever. Or is this, as I contend, a player behavior issue that is best addressed by mentoring of setting of example .... or even getting over it and committing to shooting them down even if they use every tactic known to AH to prevent that from happening and it puts your cartoon pilot to greater risk?

I’ve about all but quit logging in at this point. Soon my acct will be closed and like many others I will dissolve to one who all forgets. Like all the others. I just wanted to point out what many have left the game for. They left quietly and they are the worst. Because if you don’t say something no one knows why you left. This really is a great game the players have devolved it down to what it is now. And again all those people didn’t quit cause they were having a good time and couldn’t get enough. You know what I’m saying.

It woulds been nice if Jynx felt like providing more detail. Instead, he gave just enough to serve as an excuse to rage quit without anyone being left any sort of opportunity to offer him options or perspective. Is that how you picture your farewell?

Offline flippz

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #107 on: June 24, 2019, 06:15:07 PM »
Brain, not ticker. Though there was the uncontrolled blood pressure. Which is what I had when I was doing online customer service. When I had a stroke. And that job didn't want the liability of my coming back to it when I was released to slowly ramp up to my workload. I know you have every answer, and all ... but it probably helps when you are fully informed. But I encourage you to keep trying.

You can want whatever you want to want. It's when one theorizes as to what is and isn't at fault and comes up with it being a lack of behavior coding and that forcing player to play the way you want them to is the universal secret to happiness for the entire AH player population where you kinda end up losing rational perspective.

 Then I recommend stopping.

How or what would you suggest Fugi to recommend, then? He's fond of magic coding limitations that'll fix ... whatever. Or is this, as I contend, a player behavior issue that is best addressed by mentoring of setting of example .... or even getting over it and committing to shooting them down even if they use every tactic known to AH to prevent that from happening and it puts your cartoon pilot to greater risk?

It woulds been nice if Jynx felt like providing more detail. Instead, he gave just enough to serve as an excuse to rage quit without anyone being left any sort of opportunity to offer him options or perspective. Is that how you picture your farewell?

Jynx has a lot more to do than I do today evidently.

There has to be something we can you doing. You can’t have an ailment for every suggestion of a supplemental income to get you back in the sky. I once was speaking g with a millennial that at the ripe age of 25 seemed to have a reluctant conger to not get a job. Then met his dad, whose car we impounded. I learned that maybe the kid had learned from his dad. After many reasons why I shouldn’t charge him for towing his car because he was driving with no license.

But any who. I found jinxs statement very clear. Didn’t need to ask a single question concerning it. I’m sure this isn’t the first time he was frustrated with the game. I’m sure it’s not the first time he logged on a fought a up hill battle for a few hours. See you (generally broad spectrum not YOU) think people come on here and throw a hissy fit for the first time things happens. They don’t. It’s usually after many hours(or days) of piss poor game play where people don’t seem to get there $15 fix. I use to could log on and for hours chase guys run through ack get left in fights that I dove in to help folks with. After time it wears on you. It’s the same rubber stamp game play that’s running off the fighter guys and the CODING change that flushed out many gvers with the red box. Why did the gv dad come to fruition?  There were enough folks that “complained” about it till it happened. That’s is all fugi is suggesting is come up with ways to give guys a reason to fight. Take away some of the ninny products. Maybe have things to fight over that’s not near either countries base but are important to the war win. Make the fronts a Lil closer with smaller maps that everyone that wants to fight in a close proximity can get to. Code in when a country is getting rolled there bases or towns are harder to take. I don’t think fugi or I is saying every one has to play “my” way. We are only saying that our levels of enjoyment is really being meet. And again we didn’t fly Saturday night and it happened it’s been over a period of time. Like I said earlier the guys that leave with out saying anything are not helping. If you say something then some one knows what’s going on. So guys are not saying they want changes just to be talking. They are saying it because they like the game and are not enjoying the direction it’s going.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #108 on: June 24, 2019, 06:20:43 PM »
listen flippz, quit it.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #109 on: June 24, 2019, 06:31:46 PM »
Code in when a country is getting rolled there bases or towns are harder to take. I don’t think fugi or I is saying every one has to play “my” way. We are only saying that our levels of enjoyment is really being meet. And again we didn’t fly Saturday night and it happened it’s been over a period of time. Like I said earlier the guys that leave with out saying anything are not helping. If you say something then some one knows what’s going on. So guys are not saying they want changes just to be talking. They are saying it because they like the game and are not enjoying the direction it’s going.

Good luck. No sarcasm implied.  :salute

Offline Arlo

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #110 on: June 24, 2019, 06:34:50 PM »
listen flippz, quit it.


He likely doesn't understand that my finding alternate income that I might be able to do does me no good when receiving s.s. disability. He may even mean well. He just can't comprehend.

Offline Max

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #111 on: June 24, 2019, 06:39:22 PM »
Jynx has a lot more to do than I do today evidently. <<SNIP>>

Before ya leave Flippz we should DA and trade insults ;-)  I will miss your FUSS !! :old:

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #112 on: June 24, 2019, 09:34:41 PM »
flippz, to you and me, Arlo has an option, either fix the car, or buy a monitor, but Im sure to him that is NOT an option. Funny how its ok to not use an option but spend your time calling out other people because they dont use the option they cant use.

While one is life, and the other is a game the point is, sometimes there isnt an option.

I love this game and have sent my $15 in every month since tour 21. If I didnt love it I would be gone. But Im a realist, I can admit there are issues with game play <----- notice I said game PLAY. There isnt anything wrong with the game, there are problems with how it is now played.

Players continue to quit, FSO is a shadow of what it once was and when ever there is a new scenario the boards are "spammed" by the guys running it BEGGING players to join to fill out the slots enough just to make it function.

The biggest issues in game play must be looked at. If adjusted, like for the NOEs, or ENY, or the base capture percentage it may help players get some of the action they can no longer get, be it HQ runs, GV battles, strait up dog fights, base capture or win the war. The more players you keep happy the more players you will have playing. Striking that balance is what is needed.

The GV code adjustment is one of those that needs a rework (oh wow, is that another time HTC made code changes to adjust game play?). The big flag on the map pointing out "here I AM!" has just about killed the GV fights and chased away players. Balance is needed.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #113 on: June 24, 2019, 09:45:25 PM »
I've played since the gv dar started, never seen a gv with a big flag saying here I am.

and I've seen hitech tweak the code many times in the last 2 years.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Pluto

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #114 on: June 24, 2019, 10:56:01 PM »
People still logout to find them on their film viewer.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #115 on: June 25, 2019, 01:34:48 AM »
He likely doesn't understand that my finding alternate income that I might be able to do does me no good when receiving s.s. disability. He may even mean well. He just can't comprehend.

he believes everybody on disability is faking it.  if you go check his posting you will see he's trolling about mine too.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Pluto

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #116 on: June 25, 2019, 02:37:34 AM »
Enough is enough. This thread is locked  :noid

Offline eddiek

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #117 on: June 25, 2019, 06:16:48 AM »

Before the thread is locked...........

Everyone has offered their opinions based on what the see or perceive in the game.  I can see both sides and where they've formed their opinions.
Myself, I am somewhat in the middle. 
You can't code player behavior.  If there is a loop or glitch in almost any code, some player somewhere will try to find it.  That's just human nature.  Been that way since........well, as long as we've been on this planet.
You can, however, make changes in the game code that will encourage players to change their behavior.  No matter what HiTech does, there always have been, and always will be, players who complain and threaten to quit or actually do quit.  It's the nature of the can't please everyone all the time.
Been on both sides of the imbalance issue.  Sucks to have to go up against the side with a large numbers advantage, even with perks at a huge discount, and it sucks to be on the side with the numbers advantage and be stuck in lower performance planes. 
Adjusting the damage done by ords, and the number of troops required to capture fields is an interesting notion.  Proportional adjustments to reflect the arena population might work, might encourage folks to switch sides to balance things out in the short term.  Only way to find out is to try it, and the only person to make that call is HiTech.
For a long time, I've wished he could code the arenas to adjust to the number of players online, i.e., make the arena grow smaller as the number of players dropped, then expand again as more players logged on.  This "might" encourage players to interact more.  There are always those who just want to log on, take off and go do a bomb run, or other activity, with little or no interference.  They will not like that .
But this game, even when the numbers were in the hundreds on a nightly basis, and even when there were multiple arenas to hold them all, NEVER pleased everyone.  There have always been complaints.
For 19 years I've played the game as much as my system, and real life, allowed me to.  Not gonna stop in my foreseeable future. 
I don't expect perfection, but I would like to see some adjustments made, as I've seen changes made that went way too far in one direction to appease one crowd, with nothing offered in return for those on the other side of the fence.