Author Topic: Sunday Night Races: Aircraft NOE Race June 30th  (Read 221 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Sunday Night Races: Aircraft NOE Race June 30th
« on: June 26, 2019, 03:50:04 PM »
Sunday Night Races: Aircraft NOE Race
SEA 2 June 30th 8PM EST/7 PM CST

CM Host : AKKuya

Welcome!!!! Please read entire message.  All
the info will be there.

Please switch to country Bishop and report to
A14 tower. 

Aircraft - Ta-152
Fuel Loadout: Player choice
Vox : 150

Race Setup:
Players will start at A14.  Players launch from
A14 and fly counter -clockwise to A64, A76, A39,
A51, A26, and back to A14.  Players must
successfully landand refuel at each base before
moving onto nextleg of race route.  Once, players
have refueledat A14 successfully, they can End
Sortie to complete the race. 

This is an unlimited life event.  Players who
crash can relaunch from last completed leg of the
race route and continue. Fields will be open for
entire event.  This what I will be looking for
in the logs.

Player ID
20:00:22 Departed from Field #14 in a Ta-152
20:16:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #64
20:26:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #76
20:36:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #39
20:46:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #51
20:56:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #26
21:06:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #14
21:06:52 Arrived Safely at Field #14     

Race Scoring:
The first place position is the lowest time
fromA14 Launch to A14 End Sortie.  The next
lowest time for each succeeding position for
all racers. Cannonball Run style.  If you are
the lastracer out the hangar, then your time
starts then.  The last racer out the hangar
can still win the race if the first racer
takes longer to finish.

Offline or Custom Arena Setup:
Choose Mesaview Terrain.  Go to Clipboard and
selectOptions then Arena Setup and then Fields. 
In Left Window Box, highlight A14 in drop down
menu and leave highlighted.In same Left Box Window,
go to lower right box windowmarked Current Country
and select Bishops.  While A24 is still highlighted
and Bishop then over in Right Window Boxscroll
through the plane list and highlight Ta-152.  Keep
Ta-152 highlighted and click either Enable Plane Tab
or EnableAt All Fields Tab.  Repeat for rest of
Airfields if needed.

If you can't take off, then go to Options then Arena
Setupthen Enviroment then under General tab you will
see CountryFlags Bishop.  If you see #2, then click
Bishop CountryFlags for left window screen and in box
where #2 changeto #3.  That will allow flight.

Players can watch from CM Eye View. Go to clipboard,
click Options, click Controls, click Map Keys, click
ViewSelect CM Eye Move Forward to highlight, click F7
and click Set Key.  In Tower, click F5 for outside
tower view, click F7 to activate CM Eye Move Forward.
Use throttle control for speed and joystick to move
left, right, up, and down.

Arena Settings:
Terrain Mesaview
Killshooter ON
Fields Open for entire event
Fuel Burn 7.0
Wind 10mph upraft at 0 to 2000 ft.
     30mph updraft at 2000 to 4000 ft.
     50mph updraft at 4000 to 6000 ft.
     127mph updraft at 6000 ft. plus
Enable Tower Gods Eye
T + 120 minutes event is over.  Logs will be closed
and arena rebooted. Anyone still in arena will be
ejected including CM.

YTD Aircraft NOE Race

Aircraft NOE Race Point Standings
1200 pts. - Dragun
1100 pts. - KRILLEN
1000 pts. - AKRocco
900 pts. - AKKuya
800 pts. - AKBmzawy
700 pts. - Luft
600 pts. - Joker

Aircraft NOE Race Finishes

1st Place - Dragun
2nd Place - KRILLEN
3rd Place - AKRocco
4th Place - AKKuya
5th Place - AKBmzawy
6th Place - Luft
7th Place - Joker

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?