Author Topic: August 2019 KOTH Results.  (Read 810 times)

Offline fuzeman

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August 2019 KOTH Results.
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:32:37 PM »
August KOTH was held with just over the minmum required to run it but the atmosphere was better than usual IMO. I did throw a big french-fry into Squirter's night which resulted in bad karma for the night, IMO also. Sorry about that. I started it a bit late and it ended just before 11 pm so it was close to two hours long with seven rounds. It ended with a rare KOTH plane and next months will start with it, the Tu-2S. Over the evening we had seven people flying and three wabbits who all made it to 'last three' in round seven so it was a wabbit fight. The wabbit with the biggest teeth turned out to be BlakDeth. Congratulations and {S} BlakDeth for the win and you chose the Tu-2S for next months first ride.
My french fry moment was end of round 1 when I assumed last two as last one and called Squirter the winner. After I called 'auger and pick a ride' Eagler was still flying. DOH!!!!   Those two rolled and dueled for the win. Squirter I hope I didn't turn you off to the event.

Round by round results:
1} Eagler in a Yak-3
2} TC in a Bf 109F-4
3} BlakDeth in a C.202
4} Eagler in a Me 262A-1   {Wabbit}
5} BlakDeth in a P-51B   {Wabbit}
6} TC in a Hurricane Mk. I   {Wabbit}
7} BlakDeth wins in a Tu-2S

TOC reservations earned by BlakDeth, Eagler, TC.
Top kills regestered were BlakDeth 8, Eagler 6, Squirter 4, and TC with 3.
Logs can be found at
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