Way to back pedal. 
Are you guys born stupid or do you just practice really hard?
The game is not dead, the fact that it thinks it can host more players than it can makes it feel dead. Are you guys that stupid that you cannot see that???
The game is great, it just needs to think about being different. I can fly in my prime time (Australia) and I have 5 players per side. I have 150 bases to choose from. I can avoid combat by bombing undefended bases
Tonight I logged in to try the game again. No fights so I upped a bomber. Another bomber upped from a nearby base, we headed for same target. We were 50% the way there and an enemy dar appeared. It meant a fighter was coming to meet us. ok. man the guns!!!!! Nope, the other player bailed as soon as the enemy dar appeared. I went in and killed 2 but died before the target was reached.
The guy that bailed. Left me to fight alone. Bomber rank 9. I guess he did not want to risk much, free point make prizes.
For me this is the essential issue with AH. You reward running you need to reward (actually you need to force) fighting. Running is killing your game for anyone that has a combat heart. You are rewarding point scoring, combat avoiding play. Not good.