Author Topic: Waterspouts attempt two...  (Read 746 times)

Offline -raxx-

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Waterspouts attempt two...
« on: July 08, 2001, 04:41:00 AM »
Alrighty then,

After a particularly aggrivating day trying to restore my website I've knocked up a page with the files linked off it, (follow the link to the PNG Solomons web page).  Anyone know whay I get the waterspout south of A25 occasionally?

Spotcha in the air

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Waterspouts attempt two...
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2001, 07:30:00 PM »
I didn't see the waterspout south of a25 but found some bugs you need to fix, I'll send you an email with them.

Nice work. <S>

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Waterspouts attempt two...
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2001, 07:34:00 PM »
I see what you mean from your BMP picture.

1) Do you get this spout while in the editor.

I flew in the terrain but didn't see spout.

There also wasn't a film at site to download.

2) In the editor did you click on WATER NOT AT 0 to see if all water is at 0

The terrain looks excellent but you have some errors with object placements.  
I have some info. that may be useful to you in placing them.

If you send me the files from the editor I could go into editor to see if I see a problem.


Offline -raxx-

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Waterspouts attempt two...
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2001, 03:19:00 AM »

Thanx for the suggestions but...

There isn't a film because the fault doesn't appear on any film I've taken.  
The water all 0 doesn't work because I put lakes in the highlands.
The first screenshot is while in the editor and the second from an aircraft so it happens in both instances.

I was just hoping someone else had this before and came up with a remedy.

Spotcha in the Air,

Offline pokie

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Waterspouts attempt two...
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2001, 05:40:00 PM »
Putting water at levels higher than 0 will give strange effects.

If you want lakes at higher than 0 alt then you should use Lake1 (I believe thats the name) from the shape list.

Or take a tile like snow and make it look like water.


Offline pokie

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Waterspouts attempt two...
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2001, 07:05:00 PM »
Raxx have you any luck.

The only other thing I was thinking was, what happens when your terrain go to the very edge of the grid boundaries.  
Not talking about textures but altitudes.

I know that thing look weird when you go to the limit in the editor.

P.S  If you want, you can email me all the terrain file and I take a look at it in the editor.
