First of all, THANKS for the update!!!
Question on roads/tracks:
Limit of 4 convoys/trains per depot/station? Or can you have a road over a road such that at the next point one of them turns?
Do depots/stations send on time schedule per base, or per depot/station. IE, if you have 3 tracks, and the departure is every 10 min. then a convoy only goes to a base every 30 minutes? Or is the timer just on the track itself?
Altitude (Y axis) of the terrain: This is more of a request for future versions.
In Vs. 1.03 when you hovered over a terrain coordinate point, the cursor would snap to that point and display the altitude and tile selection. Now you have to click on the coordinate. Could we have it back to the hover mode? Sure saves a lot of clicks when looking for those 2ft mismatches under objects.
Hot Key functions: The alt-c, alt-m, alt-r...not quite right.
I notice that if I click on the map, say to select 3 objects that I want to move, then hit alt-m the program just dings at me. It doesn't recognize the function.
However, if I have those objects selected then click one of the radio buttons I can use any of the alt- functions. This makes them nearly useless.
View/Motion modes:
OK, I've got my Buttons set so that I can use the B2 and B3 modes for fly around view and edit, but I have a hard time with 2 things.
Using B3 to move changes altitude. This makes it difficult for me. If I could move without the altitude changes then I would be in heaven.
Currently moving with B1 causes the view to return to "Top View." Since we have a button on the controls to get back to the "Top View" could we have the B1 just move with no altitude changes? Perhaps B1 forward and B4 aft?
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Sky Viper ]