Hey howdy Pokie, 10Bears here S!.
Was hoping somebody else would ask you these questions. Having some problems with the new editor.
Can’t get the stick to work right.. pitch yaw work fine, but throttle moves me backwards when I use button2. I think you shouldn’t have to use any buttons for stick to work.. Here’s what the helpme file says.
Joystick navigation is also provided in the Terrain Editor. If your joystick has pre-programmed keystrokes for the buttons, then some functions may not work.
The throttle controls the speed you move about within the terrain, and the default travelling direction is forward. To reverse direction, use Button 2 in combination with the throttle. Button 1 resets the view to look straight down on the terrain.
Moving the joystick forward or backward changes the pitch of the terrain. Moving the joystick to the left or right changes the directional view of the terrain. Rudders move the point of view to the left or right of the screen.
To use joystick navigation, it is important that the joystick and rudders are correctly centered. Any spikes or a poor deadband setting will make control difficult. Joystick navigation can be rather tricky and does take some practice, but it is helpful for attaining precise views of the terrain and terrain objects.
Hmm pre-programmed buttons? maybe there’s a thrustmaster config file in my ah directory.. Could that be what they mean by pre-programmed?
How do I un-pre-programme?. Can use alt-left click to move around but not a good.
Adding Tracks, Roads, and Rivers
Train tracks, roads, and rivers in an Aces High terrain are all laid out in the same way, using the Roads tab in the Editing Tools window. A terrain is limited to 256 total roads, tracks, and rivers and each road, track, or river is a set of up to 256 segments. Convoys, trains, and barges are attached to the road, track, or river with the Object Data property value after the road, track, or river is added to the terrain.
When adding tracks, roads, or rivers, first check the Grid checkbox in the Terrain Window Options in the Navigation window. Having the grid lines displayed will make laying out the road, track, or river much easier, as each segment is the length of a grid square and there may only be one segment in each grid square. Also, road, track, or river segments and grid lines must be perpendicular, i.e. segments cannot diagonally cross grid lines. Although it appears that the segments are laid out with sharp right angles, there is actually a curve where the segments are joined. Long, straight stretches of a road, track, or river should be make with a single segment, rather than multiple segments.
To add a road, click the Roads tab in the Editing Tools window, and Left Click on the terrain where the road will begin. Click the Add Road button to lay down the first road segment. The road will be assigned a number and the name will appear in the Roads drop-down. Additional segments can then be added either by Right Clicking on the terrain, or by Left Clicking on the terrain and clicking the Add Point button. To remove a segment, simply Left Click on the segment and click the Delete Point button. Once the segments are laid out, click on the Properties button to define the road's function within the terrain.
The Track Type in the properties is where the road can be reassigned to be a train track or river. Road is the default Track Type.
The Track Name is the name that is assigned when the road is first added to the terrain. This name may be changed to something more descriptive, limited to 30 characters.
The Resource Type refers to what the convoy, train, or barge carries to resupply or rebuild objects. Conceptually, the objects are being resupplied but visually they are being rebuilt. This is done by shortening the downtime by fixed percentages.
The Source can be either a single field (Depot), or a number of station type objects (Station) within a defined radius. The Source controls whether the convoy, train, or barge can run. A Depot is a field that can be captured and has a unique field number. A Station is an object or a group of objects that are country owned, can be destroyed but not captured, and are associated with the track by the station radius.
The Destination is where the convoy, train, or barge attempts to resupply. The Destination can be either a single field, or a number of objects within a defined radius.
Roads, tracks, and rivers are part of the terrain, and Depots, Stations, fields, etc. are objects that are placed on the terrain after the roads, tracks, and rivers are completed.
The Terrain Editor includes a Depot and a Station Shape Group. These may be used in a terrain, or new Depot and Station Shape Groups can be created.
This somehow makes more sense this morning. Ahh its a right click to place the road where you want it to go.. OK.. guess I don’t have a question for you ...yet. Placed a small section of road yesterday, had brain fart and decided to exit program without saving.. This morning I see that it saved anyway. Tried to add road#2 and it wants to connect with the first road. Can’t delete the first road...
Going to make a test map today to get a good understanding of the new program before starting work on serious projects. Wish stick/throttle thing wasn’t a problem.