Originally posted by Sundog:
FYI, I have tried setting up re-arm pads in the new editor and can't get them to work. Let me know if I need to change object data or something. Thanks.
I can't believe I didn't think to ask you if you had set the ReArm Pad to Collide.
If it is unchecked then it won't sense your vehicle.
Also, found that you can set ReArm Pads for Field or Country.
You can not get rearmed on other Countries ReArm Pads. The ownly exception is if you capture an enemy Field then you could use the Rearm Pad that belong to that Field.
Capturing a Country is a mute point since the War will be won and game reset.
Other note:
You CAN destroy the ReArm Pad.
Was using the Panzer ( with the Editor default settings & Arena default settings )
If you set the ReArm Pad as VOID it takes 1 HE shot or 2 AP shots
If you set the Rearm Pad as REARM it takes 4 HE shots or 14 AP shots.
Didn't try Bombing it.