Author Topic: WINTER MAP  (Read 4240 times)

Offline Easyscor

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« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2019, 09:42:13 PM »
Why does a winter-terrain need to be a separate terrain? Wouldn't it be sufficient if for every terrset X there's a corresponding terrset Xw, which is... white? All trees at the same spots, except covered in snow instead of leaves?

Again, the default skins are NOT winter skins and that makes them stand out in front of any white winter background. So to clarify, anyone disabling skins will not see your attempt to use a winter skin on the current winter terrset, they'll see the default green summer skin currently. So trying to use a winter version of any current MA terrain would have issues unless the winter version came with default winter skins for the vehicles.

The nice thing about this is that you could still use a non-default winter skin on your vehicle and even if someone has skins turned off, they would still see the winter default while you see your non-default winter skin. That means it would work exactly the same as the summer set of skins now. I've seen guys driving around in the winter default jagdpanzer 39 skin on a summer terrain making them an easy target. Same kind of thing in revers, checking your skin before you leave the hanger would matter.

Easy in-game again.
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Offline ccvi

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« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2019, 04:21:38 AM »
Again, the default skins are NOT winter skins and that makes them stand out in front of any white winter background. So to clarify, anyone disabling skins will not see your attempt to use a winter skin on the current winter terrset, they'll see the default green summer skin currently. So trying to use a winter version of any current MA terrain would have issues unless the winter version came with default winter skins for the vehicles.

Yes, understood. My question was for even below the terrain editor. Intesad of any specific new map that referrs to a new specific winter terrset the game itself could winterize all maps by swapping out the data below. That the data below includes skins (or at least a definition of which skin is the default skin) is clear.

Offline Greebo

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« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2019, 08:38:23 AM »
Yes, understood. My question was for even below the terrain editor. Intesad of any specific new map that referrs to a new specific winter terrset the game itself could winterize all maps by swapping out the data below. That the data below includes skins (or at least a definition of which skin is the default skin) is clear.

I don't think the various tile sets (ETO, PTO, Med and Winter) were designed to be interchangeable in this way. So a rocky texture on one tile set may be a farm texture on another. So in this example a terrain designed with near vertical rocky cliffs on would then have near vertical farmland when the tile set was swapped. In general swapping a tile set means re-texturing the entire terrain by hand in the TE.

Offline ccvi

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« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2019, 10:18:18 AM »
I don't think the various tile sets (ETO, PTO, Med and Winter) were designed to be interchangeable in this way.

Yes. I'm not suggesting to replace eto with winter or pto with winter, but eto with eto-winter, pto with pto-winter, and med with med-winter. And by replacing I don't mean selecting x-winter when building the map, but selecting the variant when loading it in the game. There could also be x-spring and x-autumn variants.

I am aware that this isn't currently possible. A way to select and switch the variant of the terrset would need to be added to the game. But this is the wish list board, after all.

Offline lunaticfringe

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« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2019, 09:28:30 AM »
When AH3 was under development I started making an MA terrain called Bearpit, partly because I was bored as there were no new skin shapes being made then and partly to help test the beta AH3 terrain editor. In the end I stopped working on it when HTC asked me to update CraterMA to be the new default AH3 terrain. When the new winter tile set was introduced I applied it to Bearpit and renamed it WinterMA.

Not sure why I uploaded this terrain to the host as it was nowhere near finished. Later on I did a bit more work on the Bearpit terrain but with the Med tile set, adding a road system and reworking some of the spawn to base routes with canyons, rivers and bridges as choke points. I reverted to the Med set because the winter tile set seemed just too uniformly white, I'd have liked a few patchy snow tiles or bare rock tiles to break things up a bit. Also the ETO and winter tile sets are too tree-heavy for my taste, the Med set is more open. Then as Easyscor mentioned there is the issue of players turning off player skins in order to gain an advantage. I don't think embedded skins are allowed for an MA terrain and even if I could embed winter skins for just the 3 or 4 main MA GV rides it would bump the terrain file size up considerably.

Having said all that if there is enough demand for a winter MA terrain I might be persuaded to finish this terrain with that tile set once I get bored with skinning P-38s.
  +1000 for a winter MA map
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Offline lunaticfringe

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« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2019, 09:29:17 AM »
No skins in ma terrain. If a big desire for it some one can make a texture set in a terrain and I'll make a new terrset from them.

I would also send the tree textures to be converted.


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Offline mora

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« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2020, 08:07:46 AM »
I don't wish to sidetrack this, but since Kanttori was mentioned I invite you to check out the throttle consoles he's building now.

Offline turt21

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« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2020, 08:21:23 AM »
I don't wish to sidetrack this, but since Kanttori was mentioned I invite you to check out the throttle consoles he's building now.


Offline Mister Fork

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« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2020, 01:23:48 PM »
I don't wish to sidetrack this, but since Kanttori was mentioned I invite you to check out the throttle consoles he's building now.

:confused:  holy cr@p. That is amazeballs. Strange he doesn't mention Aces High on his page...  :headscratch:

Anyways, who is going to do a winter terrain set for us?  :x
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Offline lunaticfringe

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« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2020, 08:59:25 AM »
there are already some tanks that have winter skins.
To Be Prepared for War Is The Most Effectual Means Of Preserving Peace (George Washington)

Offline atlau

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« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2020, 12:22:19 PM »
Winter >>> nights

Offline Drano

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« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2020, 04:23:43 PM »
Winter >>> nights
Oh crap you reminded me! Hey man if winter maps = longer or more night it's a hell no! Please no!

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