Author Topic: Staged Mission Ground and Naval Units; AI and Player  (Read 593 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Staged Mission Ground and Naval Units; AI and Player
« on: January 12, 2020, 09:43:49 PM »


This seems like it should be reasonable.  No, I'm not talking about carrier ops.  I get how that would get technically harry.  I'm talking about spawning ships as part of a mission and laying out a route for them on the water like you would lay out a taxi route for an aircraft at a base.   They would follow that track as designed, but their guns could be full AI like AI bomber gunners and shoot at any enemy aircraft or ships withing an activation range.

I'm talking about allowing the player to spawn as a ship as well.


At a minimum, I could see this working at least as good as naval units.  The mission designer can lay out a ground track the vehicle would follow.  Players could spawn as vehicles as part of the mission.  AI vehicles could easily shot at any aircraft with an activation range.  Gunnery against other vehicles could be tricky determining clear line of sight.  But even if that wasn't attempted first pass it would be nice to be able to spawn as as tank and have maneuvering tank targets to practice on.  Or have maneuvering vehicles to practice JABO on.

Kursk?  :D


Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.