This would be the one of the largest problem with the game currently, but ive brought it up several times in the years of the decline of players and gameplay here, and was told the basic concept didnt work 20 years ago without ENY, and other possible tweaks to make it work.
I'll have to take people at their word that it totally didn't work 20 years ago. There was also no ENY system 20 years ago, so I don't know if the analogy still holds. Also, I would have to ask, respectfully, is the current system working to your satisfaction? If so, then disregard. Everything is awesome. If not, perhaps it's time to consider some alternatives.
However, I divide the argument against into two categories:
1. It can't possibly be made to work for some magical game-play reason that may or may not still be valid 20 years later.
2. The assumption of 3 sides is so intertwined into every line of code though out the system that it would be extremely high risk and effort to change it to be able to configure between 2 and 3 sides formats, at this late stage.
I'll accept #2. I'm a realist. Sometimes base assumptions are made at the beginning of a project that lock you in. Keep that option open on the next game.