Author Topic: I'm all discombobulated  (Read 626 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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I'm all discombobulated
« on: December 01, 2000, 01:02:00 PM »
Ok, let me get this straight

Water tiles with NADA,
Snow tiles with only 1 other Snow/rock?
But snow/rock tiles with only snow and no others?

I'm trying to finish this IMO freakin' awsome terrian.

And need a few tiling questions answered.


Offline CptTrips

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I'm all discombobulated
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2000, 11:33:00 AM »
>I'm all discombobulated

Ouch, sounds serious.

Well, I'm no expert with this stuff but I'll try and clarify what I know.

Here is a discussion of the basics:

In addition,  as mentioned the special case tile 16(snow) only has 1 transition tile associated with it (terr0017.bmp) which is a transition between tiles terr0016.bmp and terr0002.bmp.  Tile terr0002.bmp however is one of the five basic type tiles and has transition tiles associated with it to the other 4 basic type tiles.

Water (terr0000.bmp) is another special case.  It uses a pseudo transition where it constructs a transition tile on the fly by dividing the tile in half (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) between the water and the non-water adjacent tile.

Clear as mud?

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.