Author Topic: Alternate Payment Options  (Read 3943 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Alternate Payment Options
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2020, 04:35:06 PM »
I remember an arcade game was set to take a quarter and gave you a few minutes of gameplay.  When the timer was getting close to 0, you had to put another quarter in the slot for added time regardless of your progress or how many lives you still had left.  Sure miss the '80s.  :old:

After the great home video game crash of 1984, a little card playing company released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).  All our favorite arcade games were being placed on that platform.  At this time, arcade games had better graphics and gameplay compared to Atari, Commodore, Colecovision, and Intellivision.  NES was the first to be on the equal side with the arcade game.

The '90s ushered in the PC games and better home video game systems that excelled past the arcade games.  Billions and 10s of billions of dollars were spent on this every year.  Dial up was the way we first interacted with other gamers in this time.  Mine was a PC game called Total Annihilation about robots and tanks and weird planes.  It was a new wave of fun.  I paid 10 bucks a month for access to these servers through AOL dial up.

2007 was when I began playing Aces High and the rest is history.

You're on the mindset that 15 bucks a month is too expensive for 4 sorties a month.  20 to 25 minutes of gameplay on average.  That might be a half glass empty way of thinking.

I get to play at the most 20 hours a month of gameplay and sometimes way less.  10 hours a month doing CM stuff.  I see the glass half full.

In the long run, I have spent less money on Aces High with the 15 bucks a month compared to all the quarters, and dollar bills for tokens in the arcades, home video game systems plus the individual game cartridges, and all the PC games bought.

Aces High was FREE to download.

Do you still pay for cable TV?  If you do, then how many hours you watch a month?  Is that enough to justify the huge price?

I just pay for internet access.  Then, I pat for Netflix, Hulu, CBS All Access, and Disney +.  Do I watch all that excessively?  No, I have them for my selected programming choices on their platforms.  I pay for about 35 to 40 bucks a month knowing that 3 are for TV shows that air and stream next day and one for binge watching TV shows as they become available.  Too me, that's much cheaper than cable TV plus the extra charge of DVR and remote.  I still plan on adding Amazon Prime and DC Universe at a later time.  NBC peacock is in the works with a new version of Battlestar Galactica as the flagship series along with a new Punky Brewster as a single mom with 3 kids.

I paid for Aces High even when I flew just a couple of sorties a month when my work schedule kept me from my Squad night and FSO.  Why?  I love the game.

To the guys who are thinking that 15 bucks a month is too much for a few sorties a month, then can you be in SEA1 Friday night at 10PM EST/9PM CST and tune vox 202.  Verbal discussion might shed a light and opportunity can strike with a newer appreciation. 

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

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Re: Alternate Payment Options
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2020, 06:40:01 PM »
Bought my first PC in 90 I think, built my first PC in I think 94 and dove right into AW, Mute had been already playing AW for quite awhile if you know Mute, he might still AH GV with the morning crew, moved to AH the day after we did the final AW flyover, Dec 2001? I paid and played for quite awhile, I also paid and didn't play for quite awhile.

Track mania, Fortnight and APEX are also free because I dont buy any extras , I think RUST and 7 Days to die were really cheap (downloaded and setup for the grandkids)

Ive been at it for a really long time that's why maybe I just have a different perspective

On the other hand if ACES had an offline component which I wish Aces had, similar to the CD version of AW with the missions I'd pay full price and buy the game.

As Toasted said perceived value, I'm not a cheapskate by any means, I donate items or money to Amvets, Goodwill, Northern Illinois Foodbank, PBS, Brookfield Zoo, Hinsdale Humane Society to name a few, lol, but maybe being a Sales Development Analyst for almost 30 years made me really overly conscious of where every dollar goes and what I get for my money. I'd be a part, part timer at best and was simply hoping for a part time alternate fee plan to play,

Maybe I should have emailed HT privately, he could have just said sorry no we don't and been done with the whole thing.  Even so I cant be the only one who looks at things this way and see's what could be benefits farther than just me
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 06:54:25 PM by Hungry »
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Alternate Payment Options
« Reply #47 on: February 21, 2020, 12:27:18 PM »
I remember an arcade game was set to take a quarter and gave you a few minutes of gameplay.  When the timer was getting close to 0, you had to put another quarter in the slot for added time regardless of your progress or how many lives you still had left.  Sure miss the '80s.  :old:

We still have those... It's called Car Wash.  :banana:
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: Alternate Payment Options
« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2020, 06:43:47 PM »
Hitech, you'd be better off doing a $1 per hour, if possible.  Would be a great promotion.

ps. please put a new video or something on the front page of the website, or promote special events on the front page, would be cool and attract attention. The current video doesnt do justice and it sort of looks like nothing is going on.

now that we are promoting name in lights in the melee arena, I've always thought having the system messages scroll through the website somewhere would be cool. 

How can we use the online combat as a marketing tool to showcase that alot is happening inside the paid for arena.  It's like a locked box for people who know nothing of the game.
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: Alternate Payment Options
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2020, 06:44:18 PM »
I'd guess that a Senior Discount would have quite an impact on the HTC bottom line.   :old:

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Alternate Payment Options
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2020, 09:47:33 PM »
now that we are promoting name in lights in the melee arena, I've always thought having the system messages scroll through the website somewhere would be cool. 

How can we use the online combat as a marketing tool to showcase that alot is happening inside the paid for arena.  It's like a locked box for people who know nothing of the game.

Holy crap. I never realized that. If you cant log in to the MA, you have no idea what's going on... that makes it a real tough decision for some to want to subscribe again if they haven't played in a while.

Good idea! :aok
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