Author Topic: A Formal Apology to HTC, HiTech and The Community  (Read 725 times)

Offline LCADolby

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A Formal Apology to HTC, HiTech and The Community
« on: March 11, 2020, 01:35:43 PM »
Disclaimer: HTC is in no way obligated for reinstating my game privileges or removal of my BBS PNG

     I would like too take this opportunity to formally apologize for my abrasive behavior to HTC, HiTech and the community.

     From the onset of my start within AcesHigh I have had many instances of abrasive behavioral issues with not only HTC but also many members of the community, so many in fact that I have trouble recalling them in a chronological order. Ultimately I had pushed HTC and HiTech to his last straw when I made a heavily critical review at the launch of AcesHigh on Steam, which was the breaking point for HTC and HiTech. My overly critical review was not only detrimental to the company but also the community as it placed a game I love in a very negative light. I was WRONG!

     In a moment of frustration, I acted childish and self serving by taking my frustrations out with such a post on Steam. In that same moment I ruined my relationship with HiTech and HTC. I did not know that by posting such a negative review at the launch of AH on Steam would have negative effects of the release, I did not know the outcome would hurt the reputation of HTC and HiTech. They say ‘hindsight is 20/20’ and I am a living testimony to this statement.

     Words can not even come close too express how deeply sorry I am for such a lack of judgement... I can not even find the words to begin apologize.

     My anger and frustration got the best of me and clouded any sort of judgement and because of my actions HTC and HiTech were whole heartedly justified in banning me from the game, I have no one to blame for such an outcome but myself.

     With such a track record of being abrasive to members of the community and staff at HTC along with HiTech himself, to be fair, I don’t blame them for banning me permanently.

     At this point all I can do is explain that I am NOT the same guy I was 3-4 years ago. Many lessons have to be learned by living through them and this is one of those lessons.

     I have learned to control my temperament, learned to think of consequences before actions and overall learned that in times of frustration it is best for me to walk away and re-address the topic at a later time when I have cooled off and had time to think things through, not to act impulsively when ‘caught up in the moment’ as they say.

    To the community within AH, I can only humbly apologize for my abrasive behavior and hope that IF we see each other in game we can start to reconcile a friendship. I can only put my heart out there and hope for forgiveness.

    HiTech, I am so very sorry for the years of headache I have caused you and your staff, you and community deserve better out of me.


« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 01:39:48 PM by LCADolby »
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Re: A Formal Apology to HTC, HiTech and The Community
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2020, 02:15:13 PM »
Locked to prevent pile ons.
