I'd appreciate that Brooke! But I have no money to pay you for it . And I am not smart enough yet to accept help ! besides, I Cannot fly to save my grandmother from an indian attack let alone be good enough to fly in a scenario! I do appreciate you ! You have always been a great player and good person to fly with ..
It would be a gift to you -- no paying back (except for flying in the scenario on my side, which will be glorious and fun).

Scenarios are fun for pilots of all levels, and everyone is very welcome and encouraged to play. Heck, I've brought the newest of noobs in to fly with me in scenarios, folks with no prior flight sim experience and about 10 hours of AH time prior to the scenario, and they had lots of fun.
I'm the CO of the allied side, and I'd be very happy to have you on my side!

So, how about it? Flying in scenarios also helps combat the spread of SARS-CoV-2!